Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Being grateful. Being hopeful.

So uh, I have been mentioning all over the place that I've recently lost like 5kg due to not eating for an entire week that I was sick.

Seriously, all my pants are loose right now. And all those clothes I've bought that are abit too tight that I've promised I'd lose enough weight one day to wear them? Finally they fit just nice. Abit loose, even! So you can imagine my joy! :D

I know viral fever is not exactly something I should be happy about, but seriously, 2013 is turning out to be the most awesome year ever so far (I should be hopeful that years to come will be even better!). So many things, good things have happened to me that I never would have wished for. INCLUDING the viral fever. Because it led to my weight lost. So I am not going to even complain lol

I'm going to write down all the good things that have happened to me so far this year so that I can always remind myself that I have so much to be grateful for in my life:

  1. At the beginning of the year, I finally got to go away on a holiday with my boyfriend. We went to Langkawi and even though it was a school trip, it was still damn fun because I spent so much time with him.
  2. Also, I visited my boyfriend's hometown and had a blast just living his childhood and getting to know his family. I feel that much closer to the idea of a perfect relationship with him now. We are so good together no matter where we are or what we do. Nothing ever goes wrong when I'm with him. And for that I am very thankful. :)
  3. I got on to the Dean's List with my first semester's results with a pointer of 3.75. Okay so after that I discovered that in order to make it to DL one has to have a minimum of 15 credit hours and 3.7 pointer and I only had 14 credit hours so I was disqualified. But that wasn't the point, I decided. The point was, I got 3.75 and that's an accomplishment to me! :D
  4. My cousin got me a mini iPad to share with my sister!!! I don't know what I have done to deserve this super gift but I'm really so grateful!!! She is really the bestest, bestest human being in the world! Love her! ♥
  5. I got invited to Nuffnang's Birthday Bash! And I saw almost all of my favourite bloggers IE Cheesie, Fourfeenine, Chuckei and Ashohtonic!
  6. I managed to secure a job to emcee an event for Nuffnang! My first ever job of becoming an emcee! It's been like my dream forever to be able to emcee an official event outside of school! And I've done it! Ok so I didn't do so well but it was my first time and I was sick. I promise to do better next time.
  7. I got lotsa kick ass pressies and money for my 1st birthday! IE a super me Ferragamo perfume from my cousin Michelle, a pink pen engraved with my name from my cousin Krystal and her hubby Yong Chen (it's like they read my mind or something, I've always wanted a pen with my name engraved on it. And pink too!!!), a pink (again, of course) flask my cousin Jamie got for me (I mean, how had she known? I have been considering getting a flask for some time now because now that I have such early classes and what with my recent obsession with milo, I really wanted a flask in which I could store milo to bring to class), a super cute dress and necklace from my Aunt Cat (whom I love, love, love because she is so nice) and of course my favourite ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins from my sister April. I also got a super awesome RM100 gift voucher for Charles & Keith from my niece, Kylie. I super love gift vouchers because then I am forced to shop it off before it expires HAHA and also all the angpao money I got. Seriously, 2013 is a bad ass year.
  8. I also got a CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF I am so lucky! I know! My mum recently got a new car, so as a birthday gift for me, she said she'd let me drive her old car for now. Awesome!!!
  9. On top of that, my mum, feeling guilty that she hadn't really bought me anything for my birthday, (but really, the car is a good enough present. I couldn't ask for more) also got me a mini laptop which I've been wanting for so long now! I already have a regular 14" laptop, but it is much too heavy for me to lug everywhere, especially to class whenever I have a presentation or whatever. So I really wanted a mini laptop to bring around. I never got to buying it because it's kind of ridiculous and redundant to have two laptops but when my Aunt Moo Lee asked my mum if she was interested in her second-hand limited edition mini laptop for RM200, I immediately said I wanted it!!! When I saw the laptop, I was in love, it is a white one with floral designs all over, so me! And so my mum got it for me and I am bringing it to class everyday now and it's made life so much more convenient for me. (I am also typing this on it right now! :D)
  10. Oh yeah! I mentioned about having the opportunity to emcee the Nuffnang event right and that I am so grateful for being able to do something I liked right? I also got paid for it! I got paid for doing something I enjoyed doing! Life is so good I tell you.
  11. After having horrible fever for over a week, during which I missed over a week of class and am forced to do extra work to make up for it, I actually lost a bout 5kg! My BMI is super ideal right now I can't believe it LOL! Before this it was kind of ideal, but now it super is hahahaha
So those are the things that these 4 months alone have brought me. 2013 is such a good year for me so far and really, I couldn't ask for more. (Ok that's a slight lie because I really want a Note II especially now that they have released the baby pink one AHHHHHHH but I won't be greedy, I will be content...) 

I just want to share a secret that I have kind of been doubtful about before all this. Ok it's kind of obvious la. It's the secret hahahaha.  You know how Xiaxue has been going on about The Secret where they believe that visualising that you have already achieved something you want will eventually make you achieve it? Yeah, I've kind of been indirectly practising that. 

But I guess the most important part that contributed to all my happy stuff this year is just plain being grateful. For that I have to thank my super cousin Aun Che for relentlessly sharing motivational quotes on my wall in Facebook about being grateful and forgiving and all that. I took her advice, and just concentrated on being happy with what I had, rather trying too hard to get what I want. And it worked wonders for me!

The more grateful you are about your life, the more you're going to get what you want out of life. I mean, I still do envision about the things I want, but I no longer complain or whine about it not happening. I no longer take that as something my life lacks, rather, I start to see those as accomplishments I have yet to achieve.

And because of that, I have never been happier in my life. I am getting almost everything I've always wanted and even my relationship with my boyfriend is going great. I'm sure there will be more happy stuff to come as long as I stay grateful and hopeful.

I feel like I have so much more to talk about, but I will leave that for another day la because this post is becoming ridiculously long lol

One last advice though: count your blessings. You'll realise that you actually have so much more than you think you have. Then you'll be grateful. :)

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