Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today I decide to be a better person.

As a student in UM, I suddenly met a lot of new people. It is like a whole new world. SO many people around me with different personalities, thoughts and mind set. And the one reaction I realise I have to this sudden invasion of people into my life is: I start to complain a lot.

When I see things that I find unpleasant, as if having a mind on its own, my mouth would start babbling complaints to my partner-in-crime, Ee Vonne.

It’s like everyday I see someone who makes me feel annoyed or irritated. I can easily list out 5 most annoying types of people I have met in my life in UM so far:

  1. Group members who will not cooperate.
  2. Girls who act cute and are only friendly to guys (hate them so much GRR).
  3. Friends who endlessly ask for your help, ignoring the fact that YOU, yourself might also have assignments to complete.
  4. People who are not seng mok, ie, I was standing by the door, holding it open for the next passing person to take on the responsibility so that I can leave that spot by the door (this huge crowd of people were streaming out the hall together), and it so happened that the next person was guy. Instead of holding it open, you know, relaying the responsibility (it’s common courtesy right!?), he just walked right on as if it was my ultimate chore to freaking hold the door open for him. URGH.
  5. People who ONLY acknowledge the presence of your friend even though you are standing right next to her and acts as if you are invisible.


You see, I have so many complaints. Yes, they are valid complaints, but I realised that these are things we cannot change in life.

There WILL be people like this, no matter where we go, what we do, or even during which part of our lives. Maybe when we were younger we didn’t notice these things about others, but we are adults now.

We tend to take more notice of the people around us, and really, there is nothing we can do about it.

I guess the only change we can make is by changing ourselves.

To reduce the number of people who are annoying, we must first make sure we remove ourselves from that category. And for that I have come up with 5 most commonly annoying types of people and ways to prevent being like that (represented after the – sign):

  1. People who boast to feel better about themselves. – Keep our achievements to ourselves. If we are good, it shows, there is no need to inform.
  2. People who keep asking you to help him do something when you yourself can barely finish your own assignments. And the worst type are those who CAN do their work on their own, but are too lazy and so they resort to you. – Always, always start your assignment about 5-7 days before the actual due date. It doesn’t matter if you don’t finish, as long as you start. Don’t bother others with your problems, because there is always another solution: Google & Wikipedia.
  3. People who complain about every single thing (me). – Stop freaking complaining. When you have the urge to complain just think of fluffy pink bunnies or LV handbags (for girls) and RDJ’s abs and the new Lambo Aventador (for guys, well, I guess for girls too, considering it’s RDJ’s ABS).
  4. People who only acknowledge the presence of your friend and completely ignores you, even though you’re just standing right beside said friend. – I know sometimes it’s hard to start a conversation with someone you don’t know, but just make the effort to say Hi, and introduce yourself. When you get to used to it, you will realise it’s nothing. It even makes you feel better because you’re actually being nice.
  5. People who arrive late to the bus stop (and therefore should only get into the bus LAST!!!) but unabashedly rush to the bus anyway, ignoring the fact that some other people (me) may have arrived early to secure a good spot. – Just be FAIR. I know it’s impossible to account exactly who arrived the earliest or the second earliest or so on, but if you know you have arrived late, then stand at the back. You might be giving a chance to those who arrived later than you to get into the bus first, but at least you are being fair to those who arrived earlier than you. And that is good enough. Don’t rush to the bus like a sore loser, it’s disgusting. The bus will still be there, so scared for what jek?


So while I am helping to make the world a better place, I am also trying to change myself.

Since I can comfortably say that I am not one of the 5 top annoying types of people, now I can move on to the next step of this strategy: which is to just IGNORE these people if I ever encounter one.

Like I said, counter your urge to complain with a thought about something else.

It really makes you feel much better. I gave an impromptu speech persuading people to not take life so seriously the other day in class, so I am going to heed my own words.

From now on, I decide to change.

I will stop complaining and stop taking life too seriously. Smile


And I shall start the change by posting a stupid photo of me. lol


Do you have any more annoying types of people you would like to share?

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