Monday, February 18, 2013



Wah feels abit forever since I’ve last updated right. Seriously I have never felt so occupied, EVER, in my life.

Everyday since after exam last semester I’ve been busy until TODAY!

The week after exam I was in Langkawi, then when I came back, I was off to Kelantan for the following week!

When I returned from Kelantan I was busy buying my CNY clothes and the week after was CNY already!

And now the CNY week has ended and I am back to my university life. It feels like I haven’t had a holiday even wtf.

But it’s okay lah. It feels good to be so active and busy. And today (or should I say tomorrow?) class will be starting again for the second semester!

I am quite excited actually maybe because I did quite well for my last semester (bordering on Dean’s List) and so I think this semester should be quite good too!

Blogging at this hour today makes me realise that I didn’t actually blog about 2013 resolutions leh!!!

Probably because my resolutions always end up being broken one so I can’t be bothered to make them anymore hahaha…

But I really need to buckle up and get some things done this year because I have a feeling I will be able to accomplish alot of things at 21 years old!!!

So here are my (better late than never) 2013 resolutions!:

  1. Eat less and do not eat sugary foods!!! (Okay it sounds abit unrealistic for my standards so I will give myself a monthly allowance for these foods to make it more doable lah!)
  2. Be more active!!! (IE: make more friends, ignore awkwardness and be a more sociable person, join more social activities!)
  3. Save money!!! (Seriously man. All I do is SPEND! I need to SAVE more or not one day I’m really gonna be too broke to do anything)
  4. Stop procrastinating on my assignments!!!
  5. Be wholesomely nicer and kinder to everybody.
  6. Find my path to glory and work on being the best person I can be.

Okay I think that’s about it. Can’t make too many of them or not I cannot keep track and then end up breaking all.

I really, really hope this semester (or this year) is going to be even better than the last one because I really, sincerely enjoy my university life!

I will work hard to achieve my goals and I hope the same for all of you too!

Happy new year 2013 everyone!

Gonna go sleep now because I have class at 800am tomorrow morning!


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