Saturday, January 1, 2011

Close that book.


It’s been such a hectic year for me, 2010.

So many changes have occurred and I feel that I’ve grown so much.

The drama of settling in the right school, all the random fights I had with people, the uncertainty and insecurities throughout the year, everything had taught me so many valuable lessons.

It is time to start anew, to hold faith on new opportunities, to try things that I’m previously too afraid to venture into, to keep a level head in my priorities, to SET my priorities right, to not linger on unnecessary things, to think thoroughly before making any decisions, to be more disciplined and determined in my actions, to pay more attention in my education, to work hard for things that would actually bring back benefit, to fulfil my goals, to achieve the peak of success that I’ve always wanted, to become more mature, to forget the unappealing past, to be a little more sensitive when dealing with emotions, to be stronger in everything I do, and emerge as the person I know deep inside I want to become.

It’s time to close this book.

And when a new day arrives, seize that opportunity and I’ll craft my life the way I want it to be.

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