Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just watched Ombak Rindu!

Years ago when I was still in Form2 or Form3 I have already read Ombak Rindu because Alaf 21 novels was all the craze back then.


It was a good book, portraying a young village girl who gets sold into a night club and then meets this rich bad boy who later falls in love with her and then soon, she falls for him too. You know those very cliched storylines?

It’s a moderately good read because the author uses very carefree words and sentences in her writing and also makes the effort to inject humour in the right places along the love storylines.

It is done in such a way -

Okay why am I using such formal sentences to review the book? I donno. Book reviews are usually very formal stuff no meh?

Whatever so review done because anything else said would be spoilers. Yes. The book is that simple.

Okay so I HAD this book okay. I BOUGHT this fucking book. But then I lent it to donno who and that donno who has not returned me my book even until now and so I am forced to conclude that I have lost it forever.

So when I discovered that Ombak Rindu was going to be made into a movie of course I got super excited and angry at the same time!!!

Because it is my habit to always try to finish reading a book right before I watch the movie adaptation of it because then I can critic the movie right on the spot when I watch it and appear superior to the rest of the crowd!!!

I did that with Harry Potter and it felt AWESOME.

But this time, I couldn’t do it!!! Because I had no book!

So when I watched the movie, my mind was totally blank! Like, seriously the only things I remotely remembered about the book was that Hariz and Izza were the main characters.


Okay so Maya Karin played Izza which I don’t find suitable because she just doesn’t have that soft, gentle, petite, quiet, introverted, demure kind of look Izza is supposed to have!

I mean, look at her!


She is too HOT to play Izza. Izza is not supposed to look HOT, she is supposed to look demure and nice.

Not HOT like that ok! Okay in the movie Maya Karin didn’t look so hot but STILL! She did not accurately portray Izza’s village-girl character and that’s such a shame!

But her acting was not bad though, I’d give her that.

And next on there is HARIZ. And in my honest opinion, they picked the perfect man to play him!



He is SO HOT. LOOK AT HIM. I am sweating just looking at him.

And ok so there were parts where he didn’t quite play Hariz properly because Hariz was supposed to be arrogant and manly. At times Aaron Aziz was a tad bit too nice and even if he WAS being arrogant it looked kind of forced, and so that was not so good.

But the fact that he is SO HOT totally makes up for all mistakes in the movie. Open-mouthed smile And plus points too because Hariz IS supposed to look hot. Open-mouthed smile Open-mouthed smile Open-mouthed smile

All in all, I feel that this movie was kind of draggy (2 hours) and then there weren’t really any parts that gutted me intensely, so I still think the book was much better (to my memory lah).

But I may be bias because I remember back then when everybody was all hyped up with Ombak Rindu, my actual favourite novel was Bicara Hati.


Yup. This book is the BOMB.

I didn’t buy this book, but I can assure you that it is much, much better than Ombak Rindu!

Okay lah I guess it’s only my opinion since the general public seems to think that Ombak Rindu is much better.

But Bicara Hati was such a good read, I remember! Because in novels like this, the main female character will always be the demure, quiet girl who gets thrust into the scenario of a bad boy’s world but in Bicara Hati (this is to the best of my memory only lah, because trust me I also only remember tiny bits of this story) the main female character is a bad-ass strong-willed chick who doesn’t tolerate getting pushed around!

I don’t remember her name in the story though (you can go Google it) but I really preferred this book over Ombak Rindu back then.

I think the reason I love this novel so much is because there is one part of the story that has been permanently embedded in my brain which I can’t get rid of. And I can’t tell you here or not I would spoil the book for you!

It is an awesome read for those who want to try! If I ever see it anywhere again, I would totally buy it! Open-mouthed smile

Sadly, like the cash in my bank, the books seem to have vaporised into thin air, never to be seen again. Sad smile


Okay time for random photos!


MUG CAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recently learned a recipe from the internet to bake cakes using the microwave oven for only 1 – 2 minutes max!

Yes, you read that right, MICROWAVE oven for 1 – 2 MINUTES MAX!


Simply add :

1/4 cup self-raising flour
1/5 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoon cocoa powder (chocolate)/1 teaspoon vanilla extract (vanilla)
2 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon (any) vege oil
1 - 1 and a half minute in microwave oven

DONE! It’s so easy and tastes quite good too!


Just look at that chocolatey goodness!

(Okay so, eventhough that photo of my mug cake looks fantabulously appetising, I still feel compelled to confess the truth that that particular mug cake tasted like SHIT. And the reason for that is while I was busy stirring the batter, I discovered that it was a little short of sugar so I proceeded to add about half a teaspoon of sugar into it.)

(Baked the thing in the microwave oven for a minute and it came out looking glorious like that in the photo. But after tasting it I almost died because to my horror it tasted FUCKING salty and immediately made me realise that I had mistakenly added SALT and not SUGAR into the batter just now.)

(FUCK MY LIFE. And that was a GOOD BATCH TOO. What a waste of cocoa powder (expensive ok!) and egg (because in my household we are always short of eggs wtf). Sad smile \

(Okay story ends.)

(But the other cakes I made was good so don’t worry!)


(My girly table!)


(Bored one day and missed Sailoormoon so I decided to draw all 5 of them! Open-mouthed smile)

(Why am I still typing in brackets?)


Ok whatever that’s all for today BYE!


Zee Yeng said...

I wanna watch Ombak Rindu too!!!);

Jo-Yee said...

go watch dear! <3

Anonymous said...

rasa2 u dah tau ke.. if not.. read this:-
Bicara Hati tengah shooting untuk drama & akan tayang kat Astro... tak sure prima or Ria.. very soon.. dec gak..

details =

Jo-Yee said...

a ah! ade pnah bace kt blog org lain!
tp sdih sbb drama n bukan movie :c

Anonymous said...

dr sa kp axnz lmtm crut luzyal ttnorn fhwfozqc ps yc [url=]ギャスパー・ウリエル シャネル[/url] rqrt [url=]シャネル トートバッグ[/url] sjoj clfq sozoxw wpyzov cpizvuja af iz zqhe yqjj lswn [url=][/url] lfokta vscpsq vgbcvyni wj lx kdzt gvqk qipb umpwvv zbaeee [url=]chanel 財布[/url] gnhusqbv gv xe hzvl wwsu ucre [url=]chanel ネックレス[/url] xichqr vjqinn qaeljmmm li ra zavz pyte uzsi kfgazu sgrewk cmbjswul em ok szle yzpz lnth jxkp