Monday, April 26, 2010

Hey ya'll!

This post today is specially dedicated to a very CUTE friend, who is going to transfer to Padini Authentics One Utama starting 26 April to 31 May 2010!

Jeng jeng jengggggg~!

Siti Norisnizan! :3

Siti, Sitiiii.

I know you're probably never gonna read this blog post, unless of course I ask you to, but I feel compelled to dedicate this post to you anyway, because I owe you for all the joyous times you gave me during my lifetime at PA!

For all the times that we've spent camwhoring on the benches outside of the store.

For all the times we've gossipped and talked bad about people behind their backs. (WHERE GOT LA kidding only heehee)

For all the times we squealed and giggled about the few cute and adorable boys found in Jusco. (ahem. Siape tah. Hehe)

At PAOU, I wish you the best in everything you do and may you meet someone who's worthier of you than that ass that is your current 'boy'.

Pay full attention to what you might learn in a new environment and may you be able to start afresh at a new place, and forget about all your problems back home, and just make the best out of this opportunity that your God has given you. (:

I'll always treasure the times we've spent together, even until afterrrrrr the days that I've resigned from PA. (don't worry la I will always come back to shop one hehe)

You are one friend I'm very glad I have, and would loooove to keep and hang out with in future. (:

To other people, you may be Is or Siti or Adik, but in my heart, you'll forever be the Itis that I care and love. (:

Ohhhh Siti. :3

Jiwang btul blog post ni kan. Heee. Cam la u akan smpai kat blog I ni pon. So jiwang skit takpe la kott. Hehe.

Tapi takpe sayang, I tlis bende2 ni sume pun sbb I rase sngt terharu dgn friendship kite nih.

Hee. Kalo la one day u btul2 smpai kat blog I nih, bole la u bace2 skit ape I tlis ttng u, tpi u jgn ketawa tau! I tau la I jiwang skit, tpi biar la. Nih ikhlas nih. Hee.

K la. Da panjang da post nih.

Hope you enjoy time u kat PAOU la k? Jgn lupe I tau! Rindu u! :3


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