Monday, April 26, 2010

One of the best days of my life~!

If you guys know me well, this is the type of person I like to pretend to be:

A wannabe punk rock kid who likes studs and rock music and the colour black.

But of course the reason I call myself a wannabe is because I'm not really a punk, since I only enjoy certain elements of the punk trend.

But this isn't even the point.

What I am trying to say through this blog post is;

it is time for me to turn into a GEEEEEEEK! 8D

This phenomenon happened/started about a week ago...

As usual, I came back home from work and immediately after I entered the house, I went to my room for my usual after-work routine: undress, bathe, Facebook (STOLE MY LIFE) and sleep.

However, during this particularly fateful day, I came into my room to find...

Jeng jeng jenggggg~!

A big white package waiting for me by my bedside! :D

And to my very great surprise, it was a DELL package! And of course, I immediately knew what it was that was waiting for me!




Okay so to tell you guys the story, I initially wanted to buy the red (super nice one loh!) one.

I'd been eying the red laptop for MONTHS now and when I finally had enough money (and courage. And confidence. And determination) to buy it, AS USUAL, the red one was OUT OF STOCK.

Just my luck. Just my SUCKY luck. Grrrrr

So instead I got the white one.

And oh well, I promised I'd get over not being able to buy the red laptop so I'd just shut up and enjoy my laptop! :D

Even if it isn't my favourite red one (sobs sobs) it is still pretty and I love it! :D :D :D

Ta da da dahhhhhhhhh~!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I was freaking excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And see how sexy my legs are! Hehehehe

It looks really pretty right? (:

Turning it on for the first time! *EXCITED SIOT

Funny default stereo wallpaper which my Mum claimed to be super ugly. -___-

Heeeeee from afar it looks like a Mac right? But it isn't! It's Dell and runs on Windows 7! Which I super love because it freaking rocks! :D :D :D


So guys.

That is why I said that it's time for me to turn into a GEEEEK! Because I have a new toy to play with and I'm now almost ALWAYS stuck in front of my new laptop when I'm not bathing, working or eating (LIE. I eat in front of my laptop hehe).

I'm so happy I finally get to have my own laptop, I'm ecstatic! And it feels like I'm in heaven!

A GEEK in heaven. Sweet. :3



cherrie said...

i like the picture of your punk pose!!! and the one in heavan. hahahahahahahahaha.

i love my laptop too !!! now i every night i online just to use my laptop and play hearts and minesweeper. haha.

Jo-Yee said...

hahahhaha you play hearts! yay! nice to play hor...
