What’s up everybody?
Mood today’s not that bad… Just, you know, blank… And bored. :/
I don’t know how long more of this I will be able to survive through. I am so bored every single day that even housechores seem interesting to me!
I can go out, but really, I CAN’T, because I’ve got no money. Urgh. When are my parents going to give me my allowance? Or should I just go out to work?
I just remembered something very funny the other day. I was bored outta my wits, as usual, and I suddenly remembered my Mum asking me to sweep the floor and so, because I literally had nothing else to do, I actually did. You heard me? I actually SWEPT THE FLOOR. LOLLOLLOLLLLLL That’s super unbelievable. So unbelievable in fact that when my Mum came home…
“So, Jo-Yee did you sweep the floor like I asked you to?”
I was watching TV, lazing around doing nothing and I grumpily answered, “No…...” and ignored her lectures on how disappointed she was in me bla bla bla for the rest of the night.
And about one hour later I suddenly remembered that I DID sweep the floor and all her lecturing was all for nothing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA epic or not. I forgot I swept the floor because in my brain ME, sweeping the floor, was just impossible lol
And because I am so bored… This is what I do at home. LOL
Try out my clothes and find cute combinations that I can wear out! Hehe
This looks alittle too much, and something that I don’t think I’d ever wear…but…who knows?
Maybe ONE DAY, I’d wear this because..... I have nothing else better to do.
This is cute too. (Really, I cheat one because I just took off the check shirt from the above photo lollolololllolll)
I also like doing my nails! But currently I have black nails so there’s about zero things I can do about them because if I wipe them off, I’d have those ugly black stained nails that no other nail polish would be able to cover the ugliness!!!
And I can’t even draw designs on the black nails because what if they turn out ugly??? I’d have to clean them off!!! And I’d have the ugly black stained nails!!!
And to paint them back to black is so fussy I’m lazy and it’s too risky because…I actually suck at painting nails. :/
I forgot to mention that I’ve already watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I kind of enjoyed it.
OMG WHO AM I KIDDING I LOVEDDDDDD IT!!!! It was awesome!!! SO similar to the book! That was my favourite part of the whole movie! It was as if my imagination when I read the book actually came to life! Almost 90% accurate to what I had imagined in my mind when I read the book! Is that awesome or what! ><
And I agree with some opinions that this movie is kind of slow… and draggy… especially the camping parts… but other than that, everything else is just great! And dark! And scary! RAWRWRRRRRWRWRWR!!! Just thought I'd scare you abit. Hehe
And the casts are growing more and more beautiful too! Except for Daniel Radcliffe though… He doesn’t look cute/hot in this movie. :/
Alright the only two casts who have significantly improved their looks are Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. lol
The rest still look not bad… I guess…
BUT I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT MOVIE!!! I can’t wait to see how everything’s gonna end!
Omg those who already read the book please don’t spoil anything for me!
Eh, wait, I also read the book so I already know everything HAHAHAHAHAHA AND I CAN SPOIL IT FOR ANYONE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Seriously. I didn’t know what that was for. See the degree of boredness that I’ve sunk to.
Before I end this post and continue on with my boring life, I'd just like to say TAKE CARE YOU BITCH to my beloved cousin Cheryl who has gone to GENTING HIGHLANDS with her schoolmates for a trip! Also, I would like to advise her to please do not have sex with anyone or make out with people you don’t know okay LOLLOLLLOLLOLL
Get a hobby la! XD So many things you can do at home! If I get stuck at home, I draw, write, read or I decorate/redecorate my room (read: cutting and pasting stuff on my wall). :) And if I have some change, I rent a DVD to watch.
Nah since you're so bored, listen to this. Maybe you can get some ideas from a girl who's been grounded her whole life 8D.
i knowwwwww but everything becomes boring at the end of the day Y____Y
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