Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Yesterday I had the most horrible dream ever.

It started out quite innocently, with me hanging out with Salam like usual and all.

But the funny thing is, in my dream, we are in his house. I’m pretty sure the house I dreamt of is not his house in real life, but in my dream, he stays there.

So suddenly out of the blue comes his older brother. Salam has 4 older brothers but the older brother I dreamt of is not one of them wtf

And he is damn cute lah donno who the hell that is so anyway obviously in my dream I fall in love with him wtf

Then of course he falls in love with me too so I dump Salam to be with him HAHAHAHAHA

So later that day me and Salam’s older brother (donno his name, not mentioned in my dream) go to a concert together. Cherrie, Sally and some of my other friends (who are non-existent in real life lol) tag along too.

So out of the blue, my new boyfriend disappears and I can’t find him anywhere.

I ask Sally and Cherrie if they have seen him and they point to one side of the area where my new boyfriend is dancing with a fucking hot girl wtffff

And he is holding her waist, kissing her neck etc etc wtf wtf

I start to freak out and march right to him but I can’t get close to him because there are so many people around.

So I shout at him and ask what on earth he thinks he is doing plastering his hands all over some slut when just hours ago he has said that he loves me wtf

And you know what he does after that??? You know what that douche does!?

He rolls his eyes at me and then turns away and continues to dance with that hot girl wtf wtf

I am so embarrassed and pissed at this point because I know I dumped my perfect boyfriend for this douche and now he is cheating on me with this hot girl and with me in presence too wtfffff fml

So I leave the place in anger and shame and come to this very secluded area with no taxis or buses and I don’t know how to get home because I didn’t drive there.

This is the second best part (second best because the best is yet to come) : I whip out my phone and call DUM DUM DUM you guessed it, my ex-boyfriend Salam to come and get me because I know he will never let me down and will always come to pick me up (literally) when I am at my lowest.

Then the best part is : HE AGREES!!! Even though douchey me just dumped him for his older brother all because of pure lust LOLOLOLOL

Isn’t he a great (ex) boyfriend or what!!!

So he arrives and tries to lead me to his car but DUM DUM DUM slutty me REFUSES because at that time I think that if I put in abit more effort I will be able to win his older brother back wtf wtfffffffffffffff HAHAHAHAHAHAH I am such a bitch!!!

So he sadly drives away while I go back inside to where the concert is but then it has already ended and people are streaming out through this archway which leads to the concert area.

Amidst all the people I try to spot my new boyfriend and then finally I see his gorgeous head! But to my horror in his arms is this OTHER girl who is also as hot as the previous girl he was hugging wtf and he is kissing her forehead and holding her very close to his manly body!!!

And when we cross paths he sniggers and gives me a look of disgust and then walks right past me into the crowd of people!!!


This is so what I get for dumping my perfect boyfriend just for someone new. And though he looks quite different from Salam, they are equally as attractive loh! Donno what I was thinking in my dream LOLOLOL


This teaches me not to dump my boyfriend for any guy who is cute and whom I’ve met for only a few minutes lololol

So thus concludes one of my many many nonsensical dreams.

Damn I REALLY need to sleep earlier now lololol

PS : Yayang if you are reading this, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!! I donno why this dream is so nonsense lololol but I promise you it won't happen! Not because I dowan to be caught in the same situation as in the dream, but because I love you very much and won't dump you for anyone else! Love you! Mwahhhh!

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