Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The McGurk Effect

Seriously, I learn the strangest things from 9gag.

This gif-gag I saw featured two elephants playing on a see-saw and even though the gif emmited no sounds, the visuals of the gif made a slight thud in my head everytime the elephant landed on the ground. O.O

If you can't understand what I mean, here is the link to the gag itself. See if you can hear the slight thud sound your brain makes you hear.

Anyway, so I was immensely fascinated by this and I went to Google it. And I found an explanatory video of what the McGurk Effect is. IT IS SO FASCINATING LAH. If you think you had control of what your brain interpret what it sees or hears, think again. O.O

Sorry I couldn't embed the video, just click on the link and watch for yourselves ok.

Seriously though, do not always believe what your eyes tell you to hear! O.O

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