Thursday, November 26, 2009

UPDATE!!!!: Ashley informed me that Adam Lambert has actually broken up with his boyfriend before the wild show. So, oh well. Maybe he isn't that bad after all. BUT STILL. He was so flirtyyyyyyyy towards Kris Allen during AI right. I know la Kris is fucking hot and all, and no women or gay men can resist him......including me...... =DDDDDDDDDDD but during then Adam was still attached to his bf kan! Hmpf!

Okay, so I swore never to come online or post in my blog until SPM is over. I LIED. I really tried, but I fail. I am such a failure.

There is not much to say la, only that my life right now is such a bore. People keep telling me, suffer for few more weeks only! Few more weeks only, after that you are FREE! FREEEEEEEEEEE! But it's very difficult to make yourself SUFFER you know. You try la sitting in front of a BIOLOGY TEXTBOOK FORM 4 and 5 and see whether you want to kill yourself or not. So to prevent myself from KILLING MYSELF, I stay away from the Biology book.

Did anyone hear about the AMAs? Of course I am talking about Adam Lambert as if anything else about it is even remotely interesting. I SAW the video of Adam practically making out with his keyboardist, shoving some dancer's face, erm, below his belt and instead of feeling super interested I just felt like punching him.

And no, it was not because what he did was super slutty and sexual, but it was because HE IS IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS POOR BOYFRIEND. If he was single, I wouldn't have minded about his wild behaviour during his performance, heck, I would have even been EXCITED (yes I am a pervert), but he has a boyfriend! Kesian his boyfriend only.

Stupid Adam Lambert. Imagine what his boyfriend must feel. I mean, even if he KNOWS that Adam was just doing it all for show and For Your (Our) Entertainment, STILL. It hurts one ma! Stupid stupid stupid Adam.

Okay enough already goodnightbyethanksforreadinggoingbacktoBiologyDYINGpleasesavemeohLord!


ashley1812 said...

Adam Lambert and bf broke up already la...

Jo-Yee said...


but he was still REALYYYYYYYYYY flirty towards kris allen when he was in AI last time )=

ashley1812 said...

aiyo... he's a very flirty person cannot meh??? haha.

plus, who wouldn't flirt with a guy as cute as kris allen?

Jo-Yee said...

he totally said that kris allen was his type and he had a crush on him le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so hiao. =D