Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi guys!

Sebelum saya memulakan blog post saya hari ini, biarlah saya present sepatah dua kata dulu.

Kini, saya sudah obsessed dengan laptop saya yang baru, jadi, no need to say, my blog posts will start to mount and mount and my passion as a blogger will slowly kembang once more!

So, sebagai part 2 of saya punye kata-kata aluan today;

here is a cute picture of me/picture of me acting cute for your viewing pleasure. :3

Okay enough of me, now it's time for my blog post! :D

Last Sunday, guess where I drove tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUNWAY PYRAMID! Hahahahahaha I am so proud of myself that I managed to drive there and come back alive eventhough on the way there I kind of missed a left turn and had to make a BIG U-turn so embarrassing but whatever la at least I sampai and had fun right!Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I went there with the unlikeliest people you can imagine:

Cherrie (okay this one not unlikely. VERY likely some more) and ZOEY and her sister JOANNE.

Hahahahaha unlikely right. I was only supposed to go with Cherrie and Xin Yi but then we met Zoey and her sister at Klang Parade so we asked them to tag along! :D

And then Xin Yi had to drop out last minute because she still had work to do for her BSS (a Girl Guide camp) and couldn't come back home too late.

Soooooo off the four of us went in my little blue Wira! :3

Okay fine I admit on the way there during the first toll I stopped too far from the Touch 'N' Go machine and had to climb out to scan my card and then on the way back the same thing happened again so that means I had two Mr Bean scenarios in one day DON'T LAUGH LA.


And we arrived!!!!!!

25 minutes later...

And we parked!!!!!!

Seriously weyh we took 25 minutes to find a single parking. Siao one.

And we entered!!!!!!

And because we were so busy shopping we didn't take photos!!!!!!

So fast forward to the part where all four of us had our first taste of;

And as I've always suspected,


Cherrie smelling her Parmesan Oregano bread with a gleeful look on her face.

Zoey angry because she doesn't like to be disturbed while she's savouring good food. Hehehehe

Joanne smiling for the camera! :D

My messy tray because I fully finished every single bit of Subway sandwich I had. It was THAT good. Heehee

The line was really long just now, but because the food was (is) so easily and speedily served, it thinned back fast enough and everybody didn't have to wait TOO long to bite into their sandwiches! :3

Hi! :D

Cherrie's 'I am so full and satisfied' face. :D

The Lim sisters! Who look SOOOOO alike oh my God I just noticed!

Subway! Eat fresh! :D

Cherrie and Zoey! :D

Joey and Joanne! It rhymes! Hahahahahaha

Cherrie and her 'No time to look at your camera I am drinking coke la' face.

Cherrie's 'I am SUPER FULL SIOT' face and my fake smile face. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Hee. Finally. A decent picture. :D

The only picture we managed to snap because I was so busy shopping and Cherrie was at the toilet and the two sisters were so tired they had to sit down. Heehee

Okay so because everyone's feet hurt like hell already (except mine I am totally used to standing/walking for long long hours because of my job hehe) so we left Sunway Pyramid and searched for another place to hang out!

And what better place to sit down and have dessert if not;


wtf as you all know around that area, on a SUNDAY NIGHT no less, finding a parking space is like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

So then we had to park VERY VERY VERY far from Snowflake and walk all the way there in the dark cool night along the back alleys full of cockroaches...

But in the end the desserts were so satisfying we decided that the scary walk to and back from Snowflake was worth all the fuss! :D

Nah don't believe show you the picture. Damn nice right I WANT I WANT T____T

My favourite combination! :3 Grass jelly ice with Set A toppings! Green beans (I don't like them so much but they are fine la), lotus seeds EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my favourite and pearls! :D

The three of them enjoying their desserts! :D

I quite like this combination too actually. Taro ice or something with Toppings B! :D Sweet potatoes, pearls and taro balls! *lovesssss

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dunno why Zoey so lucky got the only metal spoon with OSAMA printed on it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

FINISH!!!!! :3 Want more want more!

Oh got little bit more! Heeeeeee CHERRIE FINISHED IT!!!

Heeeee very satisfied! :3

Joanne and Joey! Like sisters or not our name hehe

Joanne and Zoey! Heehee they look so alike hor!

Cherrie and Joanne! :3

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA forced Cherrie to finish the peanuts that she didn't like!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

Hehehehehe Cherrie's gluttony face!!!!!!

So guys. Remember! Go to SNOWFLAKE for desserts! VERY NICE ONE PROMISE!!!!! :D


*ayak terdelete my signature LOL but who cares bye!


cherrie said...

why suddenly the kata-kata aluan in bm. is there something going on that i don't know about ????????

Jo-Yee said...

lol kata kata aluan only ma. cannot one meh

MaeVin said...

Go sunway oso didn't ajak me la...

Jo-Yee said...

lol u got at church or kp meh? if got then ma ajak u lohhh hehehe

steel product said...

hello ,,,good day

Jo-Yee said...

lol good day to you too!