Monday, September 27, 2010

Have you ever met people like this?

The type of person who boasts about every single thing that involves her? Whether or not she did anything to deserve the luxury she has, it doesn't matter; as long as she can find a way to BOAST, she will not let it rest.

"Where I stay, I have a swimming pool. It's quite big, but not that deep. I swim there almost every weekend. To work on my tan and also exercise you see."

"And if I am not in the mood for a swim, I go to my gym and run on the treadmill for a whole half hour. There's a thing about sweating that makes me feel very satisfied."

"I have loads of designer handbags and clothes, but after awhile of using them, I tend to get bored. I don't see what's the big deal with people who own like a single Coach or a Prada. I mean, I have loads of LVs, but it doesn't seem to give me the high I see some people get when they walk around parading a minute Gucci purse."

"My dad drives a Merce. I tell you, it's freaking uncomfortable. I hope he changes his car for a better one. Gosh, I can't wait."

"Ew. Scallops? I hate them. I get so sick of them. I eat them almost every week. What's so nice about them? I just don't get it."

And then when you're about to blow after hearing all her stupid rants about her luxurious life, you realise one day that:

1) She stays in a Condominium. With PUBLIC pool facility.

2) As well as a MINI PUBLIC gymnasium.

3) Her rich cousin often gives her hand-me-down designer clothes/bags which she doesn't use anymore.

4) Her dad's Merce is a second hand old model which only costs as moderately as an average car.

5) The scallops she means are those dried out ones used for soup, which ANYONE can afford.

Take notice of the way she talks. She is not lying, but she is not entirely telling the truth.

This is called smart talking. You deceive the public with your use of words to boast your luxury, when in actual fact you are no grander than your average classmate.

Who talks like this? Do you know anyone who talks this way?

This is a classic example of my confusion on whether to name these people smart-talkers or liars, practically.


I'll let you do the judgment.



Ming Jin said...

I do understand that these are exaggerating. However, maybe this person is just enjoying life and being grateful. When we are selling ourselves to the world outside, it is best to portray good images of oneself. Well, if all these are for hurting others purposes, then it's totally opposite. lol

Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Wow she must be one helluva good PR person. O_o

Jo-Yee said...

lol true true. but not to the extent of boasting. kan kan???? but at least she prepared excuses to bomb back should anyone question the credibility of her words. lol

hahaha but hor, guys, i made this person up lol