Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How racist can you get? I'm Malaysian too.

The Chinese are never going to go back to China.
The Indians are never going to go back to India.
The special rights of the Bumiputeras in Malaysia are never going to be revoked.

So Malaysians, just let it rest, really. Why waste your brain cells on something without which you can do just fine?

It’s been going on for sooooooo many years, this fight for equal rights in Malaysia. Some find it unfair, some find it completely reasonable because the truth is, everyone’s got different opinions.

We are never going to be able to agree on something, without having another person out there feeling dissatisfied.

So just let it be! It isn’t as if we are being oppressed or abused. We have been this way for soooooo many years already and aren’t we doing just fine?

In life, just give and take. To some people, there may be more opportunities, and to others, there may not. It’s just a way of life. It’s something inevitable, something we have no control over.

You might think by posting disrespectful comments or racist opinions might help you garner support to finally make the government agree on granting all Malaysians equal rights in all respects.

But what is the point even if you succeed in doing so? The country’s going to be divided into more hostile communities if that ever happens. And I don’t think national peace is worth risking.

It’s unfair how people always tell the Chinese and Indians to go back to where we came from.

Because if you ask me that personally, here’s my reply to you:

But I was born here. I was granted citizenship of Malaysia automatically ever since birth. I am Malaysian. So where am I supposed to go? I am not from China. My grandparents, yes they are from China. But not me. I was born here! The start of my life began HERE, on Malaysian soil, so this is where I am from originally. I originated from MALAYSIA.

Which makes my situation the same as the Orang Asli, doesn’t it? If they are considered aborigines of Malaysia, so am I! ):

So why are you telling me to go back to China, where I DON’T belong? I sing Negaraku, I raise the Jalur Gemilang, and I am MALAYSIAN. Not a Chinese National… I don’t even know how to sing China’s national anthem loh...

Another obvious sign that I am Malaysian, I speak with the ingenious postfix of LAH, LOH, LEH, MAH, bla, bla, bla…

So how am I different from any of you?

Don’t send me back. Don’t ask me to go back. I belong here. Malaysia is my home. ):

And if you want to send me back just because my ancestors are not natives of this country, then let me ask you this question:

How can YOU be so SURE that YOUR ancestors are natives of this country? Really, think about it.

Another thing, it’s also uncalled for when people complain about the special rights of Bumiputeras.

Okay to be honest, there also are times when I feel that it is completely unfair that some people have special rights and I don’t. Just because I’m Chinese, I’m not granted the special rights of the Bumiputeras…

But then after I thought about it, it’s something that is never going to change anyway. So why quibble? I’m doing fine just as it is. True, if I had those privileges, I would have been able to accomplish more things in my life, but without them, I’m still doing just fine.

I believe it depends more on myself to achieve something, rather than on privileges that I’m born with.

So sometimes even if you feel that it’s unfair that some people are born automatically granted of those privileges, if only we could just dismiss that as LIFE, then everything is going to be fine.

Like, some people are born into rich families, just as how some people are born Bumiputeras.

Just close one eye, let it be, and live your life. It hasn’t affected the development and success of the other races in Malaysia anyway, so why complain that another person gets more, when you yourself aren’t deprived or lacking?

We don’t always get what we want in life. But there are alternatives to achieve things we desire without having to cause national crisis or a division in the multiracial community of Malaysia.

And it is not as if we are completely deprived of our rights, aren’t we? It is only that they have more. That doesn’t mean that we have none…

So let’s stop talking about who gets what, who goes where and who does how. Let’s just live our lives, feeling proud that even without those special privileges we are doing just fine. Even with this kind of arrangements, we are still united.

Let’s just look beyond all these and be happy.

Because I’m really happy to be Malaysian, without those rights or privileges. So why aren’t you?

One more thing: Don’t ask me to go back to China. I am MALAYSIAN. There is nothing you can do about it. I am not going to go back to China. I don’t belong there. And if you think I shouldn’t be Malaysian just because my ancestors aren’t, then I suggest that you do a background check on YOUR roots first before deciding whether or not I should belong in Malaysia. Hmpf.


sabree hussin said...

hye Jo-Yee, why bother on such issues...

just pretend that they are an idiot who have a lot of free time and don't have something funny to say..

so they make fun of others...

Jo-Yee said...

yaloh. dont like ppl who make fun of other races... we're all malaysians mah!

The Zombie Hunter said...

I'd like to know how a person who is pro-Malay feels about being discriminated against by whites. How will they feel when one group treats them badly because they're different?

Do racists feel bad about how some whites and some Chinese treat blacks, Musilm and latino immigrants?

Same banana with some Koreans who only want to marry "pure blood" Koreans.

All this is pathetic! hahaha
I sure hope the whole world gets darker complexion a generation from now.

Wait, its already happening. And that is good news.

Jo-Yee said...

to me, racism in any way is just ridiculous. skin colour does not matter at all!
it is not an achievement, and therefore it is not valid to be used as a measurement of someone's superiority! ;D