As usual, I am sure you all know why I am suddenly blogging after a long hiatus right?????
Don’t know??? Think back! Think back!
That is because…EXAM IS COMING! lol
In fact, it starts this Friday and MUET is on SATURDAY. O.O
But why do I still feel so lazy to moveeeee…. zzz
ANYWAYS. This post is just going to be about random updates of my life from like MONTHS ago because seriously now there is less than 0% of exciting events in my life zzz except for the the times that Fifi is back because whenever he is back my life is never NOT exciting
but then I am sure you all very bored to read about him already so today’s post no Fifi ok!
My 4 lovely xiao pos went to 88 BBQ STEAMBOAT to celebrate my 19th birthday with me!!! Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa thanks so much girls!
Pei Wen and Pei Theng!
Pei Wen (lol! her face so cute!), Pei Theng and Wei Qing!
Lovely Susan!
And this one I beh tahan the Lim Pei Theng she ‘custom’ drew this for me!!! LOL granny undies with my name!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA
I went clubbing too on my birthday! WOO-HOOOOO! I is officially big girl.
This is Naim, met him for the first time and realised that he is far more good-looking than he already looks in photos. lol
But of course, NOBODYYY absolutely NOBODY is more handsome/cute/hot/good-looking than my beloved boyfriend Fifi.
Nah give you random photo of him I stole from his Facebook as proof. Hihihiiihihiiii
NEXT OFF! I have been spending alot of time with my dear Itisssss for the last few weeks! She is just so fun to hang out with!
This is because I am a very girly girl, I mean, not that I am very feminine or anything like that, but I am very fond of dressing up, make-up, cute boys, nail art, fashion, bags, shoes, shopping or any other superficial things but my close friends mostly aren’t.
And so, usually with them, I kenot express my hiao-ness because they just can’t relate to the topic well enough.
With Itissss, however, we click so well because we both like shopping, make-up, and just randomly spending time looking at clothes and even looking for underwear! Kikikkkikiii
Other than that, unlike my other friends, Itiss takes a liking towards my love life, and shares hers with me all the time.
So we do spend alot of time talking about boys. And I spend alot of time talking about Fifi to her and it just makes me so happy!
Sometimes I just don’t understand why my close friends never ask me about Fifi, when they know that I am so happy with him, that I am so excited to be in a relationship with him, and that I am just so plain in love with this man…
I mean, as friends, aren’t you supposed to at least feel happy for me too?
How come they never ask me about Fifi, never want to know how we are doing, just NOT INTERESTED AT ALL in my love life…? It kind of hurts me to tell the truth… And it’s worse when my friends doubt Fifi’s commitment to me. Especially when the proof that he DOES care for me is so OBVIOUS, but they just refuse to accept that without suspicions.
Unlike with other friends, they would always ask, always express a genuine interest in who they are dating, what sweet things their boyfriends have done for them… But with me? It is all so fake. So different… Like what ever I do with Fifi, they do not even have the slightest intention of finding out/knowing.
Am I even doing anything wrong?
But I kenot bother so much about what others think about my relationship with my boyfriend.
Because there is one thing that they HAVE to understand and this reason beats all suspicions that they will ever have about my boyfriend:
Correct or not?
This cropped top I have been looking for since forever!
Because I recently got my navel pierced I am so excited to show it off by wearing a cropped top! I know I have a spare donut on my tummy (Fifi say one ==) but I don’t careeee!! I think it looks so pretty!
People think that wearing cropped tops proves what a slut, attention whore you are but seriously… I think it’s really pretty! I mean, duh, I wear it of course to get attention, as is the reason why ANYBODY even dresses up, but it is not because I want to get SEXUAL attention from people!
I mean, I am not trying to get people into my pants by wearing that, I just genuinely think it’s pretty!
I mean, it’s the same as shorts, or bare-back or whatever clothes…
I mean, don’t judge what we wear hor. Because everybody has different interests especially in fashion. Just because you don’t like cropped tops, it doesn’t make wearing them WRONG. We just wanna look pretty! ==
Okay done. lol
BUT BUT BUTTTTTT after I very excitedly bought that top and boasted to Fifi and said that I wanted to wear for him to goda him (sexual attention from my boyfriend not counted thank you very much) and so that he can be proud when we go out because he got cute girlfriend but he said point blank: Kenot wear. Kenot let other people see. Must wear something inside. ==
So now if I wear that top I have to wear tank top inside, which kind of defeats the purpose of the baju… zzz lol
I sincerely sincerely sincerely miss the dodol who gave me this cute bear I named Strawbearry.
Red lips!
CURRENT DESKTOP WALLPAPER! Hafifi dan Jo-Yee! Hihihihiihhhiiiihihihii
PS : Just realised, my photos aren’t in polaroid form, they are on TOILET PAPER. O.O LOL!
PS 2 : I cheat! I said this post no Fifi but actually got Fifi! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
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