Monday, January 30, 2012

Lao eh……………

This CNY I am damn pissed.

First let me show you guys a current photo of me. Ok to be fair, I shall post an ugly and fat photo of me so that you guys can see me in my actual form :


Okay fine I don’t have any fat photos of me because I deleted them all so this is one that looks quite close to being as fat as I actually am.

My arms are HUGE and my face is DAMN CHUBBY. In real life, I am probably 5 times even fatter.

So anyway, innocent me with probably arms the size of your average thigh (exaggeration) was strutting around in my spaghetti strapped purple dress all happy to see all my relatives together (which rarely happens).

I like and hate CNY for the same reason : I get to meet all my relatives at the same place.

I like it because I can see how much they’ve changed and to just see everyone having a good time together but I also hate it because it means I have to be fake and act as if I am very interested in their lives and ask them about it, which I am usually not. Like, seriously, if it doesn’t concern me, I don’t give a shit.

So anyway, I was at the table having lunch and I was really trying to watch my diet because I don’t want to be more fat than I am now but suddenly, my uncle appeared right beside me.

He came and then saw that I was eating and immediately made the comment “WAH! So fat already still eat so much ahhhhhhhh…hahaha!”

I was like WTF.

First of all, my bowl was only like a quarter full and I only had like one veggie and some rice inside. Second of all, I very fat meh that you need to comment such a thing to my face?! Thirdly, even IF I am fat, FAT NO NEED TO EAT AH CHAO CHEE BYE

That was my LUNCH for god’s sake and seeing that I woke up quite late that day, it was my first meal of the day leh. First meal also kenot eat, then forever no need to eat is it?

What the fuck man.

Even if you really think that I am really fat and shouldn’t be eating just keep your mouth shut lah! Do I look like the type who would immediately stop eating just because you said something like that? You supermodel ah that I need to accept beauty advices from you?! KNN

I know that you might think I am taking this too seriously, that he might be joking etc but come on lah, isn’t there at least a bit of truth in every joke? And EVEN if he was joking, was it nice of him to say such hurtful words to my face?


And I am not even done. Later that day, I went to ANOTHER uncle’s house and it was already HOURS past my lunch time. So practically it was almost time for dinner but not quite there yet.

So as a NORMAL HUMAN BEING with a fully functional digestive system, isn’t it NATURAL that I would get at least a little bit hungry by that time?

Of course I went to the kitchen to find some food, and same as my lunch, I only took VERY LITTLE FOOD, little as in probably 4 bites?

I was innocently eating, just to fill my stomach and suddenly my OTHER uncle came and said the EXACT SAME SENTENCE TO ME “WAH! So fat already still eat so much ahhhhhhhh…hahaha!”


So this time I got damn pissed off and I said to his face “ALOT MEH. If like this also kenot eat then I forever no need to eat lah right?” And then he pretended to be busy with something else and ignored me.

DAMN PISSED OFF LAH. I VERY FAT MEH?! Fine I agree I am not skinny and I am not even of average size, I AM BIG AND BULKY. But does that give you the right to hurt my feelings that way?

Everything also kenot everything also fat AS IF YOU ARE VERY THIN AND GORGEOUS.

Can I like go to your face and be like “WAHHHH so ugly already still smoke?”

Can I say that? Because smoking makes you a HUNDRED times uglier than you already are. But can I say that to your face? How about “WAHHHHH so stupid already still want to talk nonsense and act smart in front of people?”



And that is not even enough, I went to my cousin’s BBQ party the other day and I met one cousin whom I had not seen for quite awhile.

So we were talking and my sister randomly asked him what type of girls would be considered pretty to him.

And so with his usual foul mouth he said “Anyone who is thinner than my sister consider pretty already lah…hahahaha!” And I already thought that he was fucking mean. Yes, his sister was a bit chubby but DEFINITELY NOT FAT.

But the nerve of that bastard, right after he said that you know what he said to me? He turned to me and went, “Hahaha…you lose already lah like that…hahaha!”

WTF KNN I may not be thin but overall I think I look less chubby than his sister, but probably because I am BIG and TALL that I appear to be much fatter than her. Even so, SHOULD HE HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO MY FACE?


Then I said to him, “You damn bad lah…hahaha.” Like everyone else, I added the “hahaha” to sound less offensive but the whole night after that I was damn regretful lah! I should have been like, “HAHAHA fat but luckily not as ugly as YOU!” and quickly walk away before he retorted. KNN FUCKING PISSED OFF.



Even if they do think that some people are not pretty what makes them think that it is okay to say it out loud RIGHT at the person’s face?!

Fucking assholes!!! And worst of all, they are not even lookers themselves!!!

My cousin is fucking disgusting and he is NOT EVEN THIN HIMSELF. If I was as mean as he is, I would have said that he was ugly and fat all the time right at his face too! BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I THINK OF HIM KNNCCB

Why are people so full of themselves? Do they really think that they themselves are flawless? Who gives them the right to hurt someone’s feelings LET ALONE A GIRL’S FEELINGS like that?

I was so affected by this but I didn’t know who I could complain to. If I complained to my mum or sister they would have been all, “But it’s true what.” TRUE YOUR FUCKING ASS LAH. Would you like it if I said such things to you? Would you accept them willingly? Won’t you be hurt too?

So I told Salam about this and I even cried because I couldn’t understand what was so wrong with me that everyone had to put me down like that. Am I really THAT ugly? Am I really SO fat?

Salam said those people are assholes and I am just beautiful the way I am. I know he is my boyfriend and he SHOULD say that I am beautiful just to pacify me and it could very well not be his honest opinion but you know what?

I KNOW he means what he said and I AGREE. I am beautiful in my own way and I don’t give a shit if you think otherwise. Just don’t be fucking tactless as to say it to my face to hurt me like that. I have feelings too fuckers.

And to further prove my point here are my weight and height and BMI. I don’t usually share this with people but I no longer give a shit.

WEIGHT : 73 kg
HEIGHT : 172 cm
BMI : 24.7

For you brainless assholes out there, 18.5–24.9 is considered fucking NORMAL weight (25 and above is overweight - obese). Woohoo guess what? I AM NORMAL. SO FUCK OFF.

I know I am precariously at the brink of almost being overweight but even so, my BMI is fucking accurate right? I never said I was thin. But I am DEFINITELY not overweight. I may look fat to your bloody eyes but guess what, I AM HEALTHY. And that is good enough for me.

Yes, I would love to lose a few more pounds, but that is up to ME to decide, NOT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES.

So next time keep your fucking opinions to yourselves. Unless you are a supermodel or whoever with certified beauty, don’t come barking up my tree about how I should eat less or whatever to become less fat/ugly.


PS : And I also found out my asshole cousin got dumped by his girlfriend recently, so serves him right man! Even though I knew it was bound to happen, with a mouth as foul as his. GEEZ.


Anonymous said...

Yer. why they like that.. I feel you! Don't bother their comments, they have no right to talk crap!! Grr..


Jo-Yee said...

amy, thanks! :D
yah dont bother!! some people memang mean one! D:

mel said...

Dont listen to them. I saw you for real before and ur real purrdy *:) i call this stupid uncles an EGOISTIC PIG. They dont look in the mirror before opening their foul mouth!

Jo-Yee said...

tee hee! thanks Mel!

they really are pigs! how are the clothes doing for you? :) ok?

mel said...

You knw what MCP stands out for right? Thats the best term that represents them :)

i loveee it. Love it all! <3 :D if you have any good deals like that agn inform me first okay! :)

Jo-Yee said...

tee hee MCP?

here i have some really nice clothes too!
you can check them out see if you like them! :)

mel said...

Male chauvinist pigs! Thats what mcp is :)

Okay sure :) bt be sure ta tell me if you have any vintage-liked clothes that are petite & you would like ta sell em :D