Friday, January 13, 2012


How long has it been since I’ve last blogged? I don’t even remember. I only know it’s damn long ago…

Super long until my laptop is all chapped up and mouldy already.

Dowan la…paiseh to show you all the photo of my laptop…not nice one…

What? You insist? Ok la ok la I show you all. But must promise not to laugh ok?















I just reskinned my laptop! AND IT IS NOW IN LEOPARD PRINT!!!!!!!!!!!

And that thing on the keyboard is my phone. WHICH I HAVE ALSO STUCK ON THE SAME LEOPARD PRINT FABRIC.

And the best thing? I bought the whole piece of fabric (there is still some leftover) for only………RM2.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dowan to tell you all where I got the fabric. Later all of you also copy my style KENOT! lololol ok ok just ask me if you want to know ok? If my mood is good I will tell you where ok! HEHEHEHEHE

Ok so the reason I am blogging today is because I want to talk about one of my “friends”. Let’s call him X.

X is very annoying. Even though I don’t hang out with him much, but we still sometimes talk on Facebook.

I mean, we used to be quite close, before he went to college lah, but ever since he entered his stupid college, he changed into this very stuck up and self-centred bastard.

EVERY TIME we talk, he will boast about himself or about his friends.

Sometimes, he even leeches off other people’s (his friends lah) stuff to boast. For example, he attended this friend’s awesome yacht party, and he boasted about it to the world as if HE was the one who hosted the party. SHIT.

Like that is not enough, every time he chats with people, especially online, he will WITHOUT FAIL say WHATEVER he is saying in a very annoyingly condescending tone. It is as if he believes that everyone is BENEATH him. Except his “awesome” college friends of course. PUI!

I donno why he has to be so arrogant and self-centred, and why can’t he watch his stupid mouth?

For example there was one incident, my cousin recently just got his haircut. It was a crew cut.

COINCIDENTALLY, this stupid bastard also had a crew cut. LONG TIME AGO. So naturally, my cousin had NO IDEA or at least any sort of memory that the bastard had had a crew cut.

But the nerve of the bastard, he went over to my cousin and proudly announced that my cousin had copied him and got the cut. WTF?

He said he was joking of course, but YEAH RIGHT. He is SO the type who thinks that he can easily influence others and that everybody loooooooves to copy his “awesome" style, when in reality we are all talking bad about him behind his back.

Even during hangout sessions, he TRIES EVERYTIME WITHOUT FAIL to monopolise the conversation, making every topic about him. I AM SICK OF IT.

So are my other friends. That’s why nowadays, whenever he is around, we just ignore him. Even when he starts on about what stupid party so-and-so had, we just pretend that we didn’t hear him and continue to leave him out of the circle. Gosh.

And what makes me sad is that he wasn’t like this before. He was still nice and normal and I could get along with him quite well last time. UNTIL HE ENTERED THE STUPID COLLEGE AND SUCCUMBED TO PEER PRESSURE.

Even until now, he doesn’t realise that he is being annoying and everybody hates him. Or maybe he does realise but he is too big-headed to acknowledge it.

EVERYTIME he comments on my statuses, I get annoyed. Because he is CONSTANTLY condescending and acting as if he is so smart and that others can’t live up to his intelligence. PUI!

My SPM results? Better than his by TRIPLE. My co-curricular activities? 100% better than his. And he has the nerve to look down on me (or others)?!


As if it is not enough that he keeps trying to put on a facade like he is this awesome stylo guy. HELLO. NOBODY BOTHERS ABOUT WHAT YOU PUT ON OR NOT BECAUSE THEY ALL SUCK.

And he ALWAYS thinks that whatever he does is the right thing and LOVES to advise people on EVERY SINGLE MATTER as if he is very well-versed about said topics. When in reality, whatever he contributes to the conversation is NOT taken into account because NOBODY CARES.

And he is such a hypocrite as well. He tries SO HARD to act as if he is of upper class that when somebody only JOKES about about him being otherwise, he would fire up and try to defend himself with long lengthy paragraphs that nobody in the world is interested to read.


What I would like to say to him is SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Nobody likes you. And admit it, you do feel out of place and ignored nowadays. And it ISN’T other people’s fault, it is YOUR OWN. So can you please go check the mirror before you go barking at others?

Geez. Sometimes I am embarrassed to even be of acquaintance to you.




And if you are thinking why I am writing this in my blog and not saying this straight to his face, it is because we will often meet in future occasions so I don’t want to publicly strain my relationship with him. It would make things too awkward for me. Even though ESPECIALLY SINCE I am only reporting the truth.

Besides, he is not worth the effort.

I hope he reads this and realises it is HIM I am bashing about and starts to change his ways if he ever wants to be part of the group again. Because trust me, if he remains the way he is, he is just going to be pushed further and further out of the circle of friends and soon, he won’t be able to return.

Before I sign off,



EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta go brush up on Simple Plan songs now before the show! BYE BYE!!!

PS : I FORGOT TO MENTION! The bastard also likes to act and appear as if he has had ALOT of sex/blowjobs/WHATEVER sexual stuff before when in reality, EVERYBODY KNOWS he is COMPLETELY A LOSER VIRGIN BECAUSE NOBODY IS EVEN INTERESTED TO BE FUCKED BY HIM!!!! Isn’t that just freaking gross?! Not about being fucked by him (though, now that I mention, that TOO) but that he ACTUALLY thinks that it is COOL to be sexually active (not with your own partner)?! Because as far as I know, he doesn’t even HAVE a girlfriend. NO, he HASN’T EVER have a girlfriend before. GEEZ. Makes me cringe!

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