Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I am so pissed off.


I’m sure all of you Facebookers have read about the recent news about a young man called Alviss Kong.

For those who don’t know what happened, here’s what I heard of it:

This young man, Alviss Kong, was recently dumped by his girlfriend. They had been together for 4 months. He couldn’t take the pain, and so he decided to jump down a building to kill himself. In the picture above, he was asking for suggestions on what he should do for the last 45 minutes of his life, for after that, he was going to jump down the building and end his life.

And he did. Bless his soul.


So all you suckers out there who have been raging and raving NON-STOP about how stupid his decision is, I beg you to please, just fucking keep your mouth shut lah.

It is not up to you to decide whether or not someone is dumb, or stupid, or smart or extraordinary based on the decisions they make. And certainly not for you to spread around the internet like FIRE.

I don’t know anything about Alviss Kong, but one thing I know is, he made a decision that not many would have made. And by judging his cavalier way of responding to his Facebook comments, we can possibly tell that he wasn’t taking the whole thing too seriously, and just kind of went with his own emotions and thoughts at the last minute.

But how would we ever know? I could be wrong. But at least I am not out there making the situation WORSE.

I am not trying to say that what he did was right, but it is true that we are in no place to judge him. I understand that we automatically make judgements about situations in our heads, and that is FINE, but why make the situation worse by spreading all this in the internet world? JUST KEEP THEM IN YOUR HEAD.

You say that Alviss Kong should not be pitied, should not be sympathised, should be called stupid and irrational for making such a decision, and for hurting his family like this. But have you ever thought about how much MORE pain you are causing to his family, hearing you say such things?

For all we know, he could be someone very loved in the family, and his death affects everyone who cared for him, so why are you raging on about these negative judgements you have on him? For all we know, his family might understand that he had just made a mistake by taking his own life, and they know that he wasn’t usually like that and they have forgiven him?

Because who doesn’t make mistakes in his life? It just so happens that Alviss Kong’s mistake involved his life. But is that so unforgivable?

MAYBE IT WAS A MISTAKE HE WOULD REGRET. Have you ever thought about THAT?

So he should not be forgiven for his mistake? And you insulting his memory is the NOBLE thing to do?!

He had made the decision on his own accord, and no one should have the right to evaluate his personality or lack of rationale in his way of life. You can have your own opinions, but keep them to yourself.

And if he really committed suicide because of love, then it is even more subjective. How can you gauge love? How can you evaluate LOVE?

I am not saying dying because of the person you love is the best thing to do, but how can you gauge the love ANOTHER person has for ANOTHER PERSON?

Digressing, like in the song Grenade by Bruno Mars, everyone is going on about how dumb he is, for wanting to die for this girl who wouldn’t do the same for him.

But what is so wrong with that? If your mother was held hostage and it required your life to save her, would you do it?


Some may say that it is stupid to die for someone who doesn’t love you the same way, but how can anyone be entirely sure how much the other person loves you? We will never know. And the noblest thing in love is to love unconditionally, to love without expecting anything in exchange.

So I love you and I would die for you, but you wouldn’t do the same. How does that make me stupid? Or dumb? It is just a different way of loving, and a different type of feeling, and you may be able to control your actions, but how can you be able to control the way you love someone?

I would die for you, but I wouldn’t expect that of you. So isn’t that the real type of unconditional love?

It is very subjective. It is just the same as you wanting to die to save another person, as in, taking a bullet for someone. If you loved the person enough, you WOULD trade your life for him/her. You may not agree, but that is just YOUR opinion.

Now I am talking about trading lives, not committing suicide to get the other person’s attention. DIFFERENT SITUATIONS.

In Alviss Kong’s case, we don’t know if he had really committed suicide because of the girl, or if he just felt done with his life.

Maybe he jumped down the building to get the attention of the girl, so that she would remember him forever. His decision might be wrong, and you can have your opinions, but just shut it with HOW wrong he was. It is OVER. His life is OVER. So why still rage about this? To hurt his family more? To cause more controversy?

Just keep your mouth shut. SHUT IT. Nobody wants to hear your negative opinions. The poor boy’s life has ended. How does chastising him or demeaning his actions make anything BETTER? Or different?

You think by saying all this people are going to start to believe that suicide is the wrong to go? Then YOU are really going the WRONG way. Because NOBODY in this world thinks that suicide is OKAY. They only end up killing themselves when they have run out of ways to solve matters, or because they’re mentally affected.

Have you ever heard of anyone saying, “Aya, it’s ok one. If anything goes wrong, I’ll just kill myself.” For real?

NO! So stop trying to be the noble person who is trying to tell people that suicide is not the right thing to do. WE ALL KNOW.

So shut your mouth and stop hurting his family. They already lost a family member, and now you’re chastising their dead family member. How IGNORANT and SELFISH are you?

Shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself.

We all have different ways to live our lives. It is not up to you to decide what one should or should not do.

LAST TIME, I am not saying what Alviss Kong did was right because these judgements should be kept private. But YOU! For spreading negative stuff like this around, is unacceptable. Think about what you say before saying it.



elyzd said...

well said. peopls should stop talking bad about people who already passed away :'(

Jo-Yee said...

that's true ):