Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fuck Off.

I know I've told myself time and time again that people who try to bring you down with accusations and lies are just plain childish people. And I've also reminded myself time and time again to just let them be because it is not worth it to waste my time on a bunch of childish sore losers.

But I feel compelled to write this post anyway, simply because I want to make a statement and prove to people that behind the very happy and care-free facade I wear everyday, lies a part of me which may get PISSED too. I have a long stretch of limit, but if you reach my breaking point by going overboard, DON'T surmise that I'm going to let you off that easily.


To those who think that I might not be a more deserving Captain for a Sports House than you APPARENTLY think you are, fucking think again. I got the post. Not you. I got elected. Not you. So would you please stop it with the judgement especially when the truth is right in front of your stupid eyes? You can ask my Titiwangsa members. And by Titiwangsa members (I acknowledge only those who actually contributed to the Sports House. I am sorry but I don't give a fucking damn about those otherwise), I mean those who actually attended Sports Practices and actually witnessed the shit that I did for my House. For those who only attended ONCE, shut your stupid mouth and judge YOURSELF before you judge others.


Stop being such a SORE LOSER. Or worse, someone who can't bear losing. In a simpler term: kiasu. I don't mind actually if you go to ends to make things work for your own Sports House, but don't compare your apparent passion towards your Sports House and then announce to the whole world, or at least, try to display to the whole world that I apparently don't possess the same amount of passion for my OWN Sports House. People have different ways of showing how much they care, and if yours is neglecting all your school work and more important priorities, while mine ISN'T, then fucking let it be. You may think that you are better, but that is EXACTLY what it is: your wishful THINKING. Do not turn it into such a statement when it doesn't even carry a MODICUM of truth in it.
(I conjecture I should have written this whole paragraph in past tense, since Sports Day is already over, but then this is such a general topic I think it applies to every single aspect of one's life (especially where jealous people are in the picture; which is probably EVERY aspect); just substitute "Sports House" with something else and there you have it - a totally different scenario with the same story)


Okay even if you THINK that you are better, and the odds ARE with you, can't you just SHUT UP about it instead of rubbing it in my face? And ultimately degrading my people skills and leadership? You can talk ALL YOU WANT behind my back but don't do it in front of my face. If I was hungry and barbaric I would have eaten you up just to see you disappear from the face of Earth, even if you taste disgustingly bad. That is how PISSED I am.

Everytime you think of bad-mouthing someone, please for the love of God think of your own inadequacies first. If you are Stephen freaking Hawking and you want to degrade me about my Physics skills, then by all means, enlighten me. But if you're Britney Spears reprimanding me on my skills on child-care, then shut the fuck up and fuck off. If you're no expert on the subject, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to bad-mouth my apparent lack of skills in said subject?



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