And so the traditional process begins!
Similarly like What's a Picture Post without a photo of a pretty girl?
Also What's a birthday celebration without a totally hot and gorgeous
birthday girl named TANG JO-YEE Roti Tisu?
Dinner at The Ship with Daddy, Mummy, April and Tommy! :D
This is what Daddy ordered. Some steak with garlic sauce or something. I refused to take note of the name of his dish because he refused to give me a stick of his baby carrots. Stingy. In the end he didn't even finish them okay! ):
This is what Mum ordered. Baked fish something something something. This time I don't remember because........I just don't remember. Hahahaha. Not a fan of fish la. :D
Hah! This I remember! Because it was my dish! It was the most awesome dish of the night! :D And it was mine! Or maybe I said that already! But whatever! It's called.................Roasted Lamb Rack!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Okay so I lied. I don't remember the name of this dish as well. But I'm pretty sure it's something like that. Is it my fault that The Ship names their dishes with such long and complicated names and also that once the food arrived I totally forgot to even BOTHER to remember the name of the dish because I was so totally mesmerised by the aroma emanating from it??? NO, it is NOT. So don't call me a glutton who knows only to eat and not remember dish names okay! eventhough technically I am
But the lamb rack I ordered was a really good dish, promise. (: Verdict: The lamb was very tender and the sauce was awesome and the brocolli was very tender and the corn was awesome repeat for the rest of the stuff on the dish please thank you very much bye!
I seriously don't know why the only pictures of human I managed to snap that night was of my sister and Tommy. Seriously. I was the Attention Of The Night but do you see me in any photos? Noooooo! Unless if I was one of the lamb racks. Sheeeeesh.
Or maybe it wasn't a celebration for my birthday but a celebration for my sister for obtaining good results for her STPM! Oh my God! O_O
Bad side: I was cheated into such bliss during the night whereby I danced around the restaurant half-naked singing "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeeeee...!~" and got hauled to the police station for indecent exposure JOKING JOKING
Good side: Dad is now back to owing ME a birthday dinner! :D :D :D More fooooooooooood! :D This is the cake Mum bought me which she claimed was the BEST CAKE IN THE WORLD until everyone took a bite of it and fell to the floor and DIED.
Joking, it just wasn't as good as (the stupid Fruitty Cakehouse person said it would be) my Mum thought it would be. And Ta-Daaah! The Princess Diaries Book 10! The final instalment to the series! :D Heeheehee. Cherrie, Mae Vin and Xin Yi got it for me. Awwww... (:
Okay so that wraps up my Picture Post for my 17th Birthday. Thank you very much for even bothering to read ciao goodbye see you next time.
Okay la. I'll give a proper thank you speech to all of you who have made me so happy and blissful for my 17th Birthday la okay? (:
Thank you Cherrie and Mae Vin (and Xin Yi) for going through all the trouble of planning me this little mamaking and also for the book. (: I'll try to forget the lame attempt you guys tried to present me with the gift by hanging the book in front of my mirror (because according to you, I never fail to check the mirror every five minutes or so to see if my hair is out of place or whatever which is so untrue because I am not that narcissistic thank you very much) so that you guys would be spared the awkward situation of handing me the gift (lest I don't like it but HELLO. How would I not like TPD Book 10 anything you guys buy me?????)
And thanks Atika, May Shuen, Rock Chan, Seow Wei, Ashley and Zee Yeng for coming to celebrate my birthday with me, and also all the little gifts you guys brought along. (: Sorry no pictures because I forgot to snap snap snap so I'll post them another time. Heeheee. :D
Thanks also to Zoey, Sue May, my cousins, Mummy and Daddy, April and everyone else for all the gifts and birthday wishes you guys gave me. :D
Sooooo I guess that's all! :D
Ciao! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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