Sunday, April 26, 2009


Oh my God the most embarrassing thing happened to me just now! O_O

Okay so I was happily walking around Aeon BBK with Cheryl and then we met up with our parents (who were busy trying on Tomo shoes). And then before we left, Mummy said let's go to KFC because she was very thirsty and needed to buy back lunch. And so we went to KFC.

Okay sorry I don't even know why I told you about how we bought lunch at KFC because it totally has nothing to do with my embarrassing moment.

Okay fast forward to what happened to me:

After we bought lunch, Ahyeef (Cheryl's Mum, it's a family name) hastily shoved her Jusco card at me with the parking ticket and instructed me to go pay for it, so that we wouldn't have to waste time in the long queue that was bound to be lining up in front of the new ticket machine (I HATE THIS STUPID MACHINE I PREFER THE SYSTEM LAST TIME WHERE WE ONLY NEEDED TO PAY TO SOMEONE AT THE TICKET BOOTH).

So I went there and thank God there were only about two people lining up in front of me. But when my turn came, I FOUND OUT THAT THE SUPPOSED JUSCO CARD AHYEEF GAVE ME WAS A BONUSLINK CARD INSTEAD!!!!! Okay I know all of you must be thinking I was a complete idiot for panicking just because I got the wrong card because there is something called CASH. But wait la jor let me finish.

So I took out my wallet and I thought I had some cash in there, you know, me being very paranoid of being cashless wherever I go, so I seriously thought I did have some cash in there. BUT then I found out it was COMPLETELY EMPTY!!! O_O By then there were already quite many people who were standing behind me waiting to pay for their ticket! I was trying to think of some other way to solve the problem and physically fidgeting and wishing I was dead but then when I accidentally glanced at the coin slot, I immediately thanked God because I had some coins saved up in my coin pouch. Like a crazy person, I quickly jumbled in my coin pouch to look for RM1 worth of coins...

Only to find out that I had only EIGHTY CENTS! I was short of a mere TWENTY CENTS but still short nevertheless!!!!!!! OH MY GOD I was soooooooo completely humiliated and desperate I even asked the guard next to me if she had any coins but she said no and I started to panic! (again) I felt so completely and utterly embarrassed because there I was, pretending to stand as mighty as possible with my mighty bag and mighty shades and mighty wallet but I DID NOT HAVE ANY CASH. Worst of all, EVERYONE IN THE LINE HAD WITNESSED THIS COMPLETELY EMBARRASSING INCIDENT. Imagine what they had thought about me. Gosh they must be thinking what a big fake I am.

Thankfully no, LUCKILY there was this woman behind me who offered to lend me twenty cents and I almost got on my knees to lick her toes (I was that grateful) to show her how much I am grateful of her twenty cents. And so I quickly paid the remaining twenty cents and hurriedly left the place, while trying to hide behind my huge shades THANK GOD FOR THE EXISTENCE OF MY HUGE SHADES WHICH COVERED HALF OF MY FACE WHEN THAT HAPPENED OH MY GOD. I tried to look for the woman to tell her to wait while I get my Mum for twenty cents to be returned to her, but she seemed to be in an even bigger hurry than I did cos she totally dashed away like there was a hungry grizzly bear behind chasing her. I hope that was not what she had thought of me.

I am sorry lor. I seriously forgot that I hadn't any cash with me. If I had known I would have run straight to the ATM machine BEFORE I did anything else and withdrawn some cash okay. I am very afraid to step out of the house without cash. And this incident is a perfect example of WHY.

Gosh I still cannot get over how embarrasing the whole thing is. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. I can just DIE in this embarrassment okay. Because of this incident I vow to ALWAYS CHECK if I have any money with me before I go around pretending to be all mighty/shopping/paying for parking tickets/etc.

The end. Moving on.

To April Tang Han Yee:

Yea right you forgot. I reminded you like ten thousand and fifty seven times and you DARE tell me you FORGOT??? If you want to lie PLEASE think of a BETTER EXCUSE la okay. You keep disappointing me you know. It's gone to the point where I don't think I can trust you anymore. Don't blame me for this. DON'T. YOU brought this UNTO YOURSELF. Loser.



Audrey Juicy Tits said...

What a coincidence, I met with an embarrassing situation as well, it was today. I was at Foodland buying groceries with my friend Yuen, and I went to get shopping baskets for us. However there were none around. I then saw a guy near the checkout counters, he was in uniform, and he picked up a basket. I assumed he was going to put it back, so I went up to him and asked if I could have it. He looked at me weirdly and said "I had just gotten it for myself." Then I looked at his uniform and realized he wasn't a Foodland employee!! I said "OMG I'M SORRY!" and walked away lol.

Jo-Yee said...
