Thursday, August 20, 2009


FINALLY, my phone/PC decided to behave itself and I managed to upload all the gorgeous photos!!!

Since I plan to let all the pictures do the talking, because I am lazy and very much addicted to Geo Challenge on Facebook (Pet Society under maintenance) and can't wait to go play it and beat stupid Cherrie's high score, I will talk as much as I can here first.

Overall, MTV World Stage was AWESOME. The performances were awesome, the crowd was awesome (although there were a few MONSTERS there. I swear. MONSTERS. I don't know who let them roam so freely among the public without any supervision whatsoever, but they were there. And they scared quite a few people. Me and Cherrie included), the VJs were awesome and my photos turned out great too! :D

Okay okay I will stop talking.

But you still need commentary right. Shut up, yes you do.

So when we arrvied, the band on stage was......................NOBODY! Because of course, they had to be fashionably late, and so us Mosh Pitters and the crowd were there like three hours early.

I loooooved the BIG ASS screen they had at both sides of the stage cos it was freaking cool! They kept playing songs that were hip at the moment and it was very fun when everybody in the crowd sang and danced together! :D I swear, I go to concerts for moments like that! :D

And better still, they displayed Tweets from the people who were in the crowd, so that they could share their excitement together! :D Gotta give MTV thumbs up for the awesome idea! :D

Sunway Lagoon is GORGEOUS.

Oh, I forgot. To be fair, there was a local very young teenage guy who performed first. But I didn't snap any pictures of him because.

MOVING ON: And finally the MTV VJs came on stage! (I don't want to blog about the Fly fm DJs because they sucked) They gave out LOTS of free gifts but I as usual was unlucky as a pig and did not get any. ):

But VJ Andy of China's hotness made up for it! Gosh he is so HOT. He is the one in white! :D

VJ Utt is so cute. (:

And the next performance was from ESTRANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who represented Malaysia!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeee I am so proud of them! Though of course, I would have preferred it better if One Buck Short performed, But oh well. Estranged were good too! :D

The AWESOME crowd! :D

And next up were BOYS LIKE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They played quite a few songs but only one of which I could actually sing which was of course: The Great Escape. :D

And Martin wrapped up the performance by climbing up very high the poles at the side of the stage, much to the chagrin of the security people there. I was FREAKING OUT, to tell the truth because I kept imagining what would happen if he fell from so high! O_O

CHERRIE AND I!!!!!!!!!!!

A quarter of Cherrie's face, SHU WEN AND I!!!!!!!!!!!
NEXT UP WERE RAYGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raygun were.....not bad. That is all I have to say. What? Well, I am SORRY I am not so much of a fan of a booty shaking, fragile, curly haired, British singer alright. EVEN if he DOES have a good voice.

"Just because you can... It doesn't mean you should... Just because you can... it doesn't make you good..." I annoyed Cherrie by singing this part of the song over and over. But I couldn't help it! It is a very contagious chorus!

PIXIE LOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering the fact that I don't actually like her songs, I don't see why so many exclamation marks was necessary. Whatever. She has a good voice.

Next up were HOOBASTANK!!!!!!!!!!!! Who were awesome!!!!!! :D :D :D

I swear, when they sang The Reason, the crowd EXPLODED! That song was hands down the best performance for the night because every single person in the crowd knew the words to the song and we all sang along!! :D :D :D

We kept shouting WE WANT MORE WE WANT MORE WE WANT MORE but were sadly ignored by the MTV crew as well as Hoobastank themselves. ):

But it was alright because next up were THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, I was so excited, I kept pushing to rush to the front of the crowd and almost died being squashed!!!

No I'm just kidding. I didn't push anybody because I am not a MONSTER. I'm human so instead I got pushed by those MONSTERS. Who stank, were crazy, stupid and irritating.

THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D They were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Can I just say that it was DAMN hard to snap a STATIC picture of AAR? They were all over the place! Thank God my photos turned out nice. PS> They're from my cellphone, so they're pretty good to say the least.

For some reason, Tyson looks like a horse in this picture!! :D Must be those long slender legs. :D Okay that sounds wrong.

I still cannot get over the fact that they performed Swing Swing! :D :D :D I never thought they would perform this song, because it wasn't that big here in Malaysia when it first came out. But I guess it's cos MTV Wolrd Stage is broadcasted all across the world, so they oughtta perform their best songs for the night.

But whatever, cos I'm happy! :D

The crowd exploded again when AAR performed It Ends Tonight! :D :D :D

"When darkness turns to ends tonight...."

It was awesome when everyone sang in unison and swayed their hands and everything. (: Satu Malayia. :D I got picture to prove! :D

If there is one thing I can say about Tyson, it is that he is an EXTREMELY dramatic performer. He kept dancing and swaying all over the stage and had the spotlight shone on him and everything. I mean, just look at the picture below.

Very dramatic lor. But awesome nonetheless! :D

Like Martin, Tyson also climbed all the way up and freaked me out. Only difference is: when Martin was up there, he looked WAY sober and in control of himself and not anything like he was going to accidentally slip and fall and die on the spot CHOY! Didn't happen la! Say only say only.

But TYSON RITTER on the other hand, looked the exact OPPOSITE. He looked DRUNK, NOT in control of himself and looked EVERYTHING like he was going to accidentally slip and fall and die on the spot CHOY CHOY CHOY!!!! O_O But thankfully thankfully he was able to climb back down, although he hurt his hand on the way down! I swear, I saw his hand bleeding and he was kind of checking it and wiping it on his RELA-coloured singlet!

I WAS SO UPSET WHEN IT ENDED!!!!! T_T But then again, quite relieved too because my legs were DAMN tired and in DESPERATE need of rest, and my throat was drier than the Sahara Desert and needed water.

So we skipped Kasabian and went home. The End.

What??? Just because I don't like Kasabian and did not stay for their performance, DOESN'T make me a bad person okay.


SO for those who missed this event, I can only say: Sorry. Because you TOTALLY missed a once in a lifetime opportunity of such an AWESOME concert! ;)

MTV ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks MTV for the invitation! ;)


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