Saturday, July 11, 2009

My LURVE Affair with - Oh, just read the post alright!

This is a story of a presumptuous blogger.

Presumptuous because the title 'blogger' is supposed to be earned and not claimed.

Anyways, this blogger's name is Tang/Tan Jo-Yee. No she only has one father; it's only her name that was spelled wrongly last time. When she was born last time in Damo Clinic situated off the coast......


Alright alright. No need to shout. This presumptuous blogger is quite a scaredy cat you know.

So, ONE DAY, Jo-Yee went to school very happily, much like the way Pinocchio hopped and skipped to school on his first day. Only, Jo-Yee was holding Twisties Lurve Multi-grain Chips in her hands, and not an apple. Jo-Yee looked like a giant balloon rolling in all directions when she hopped but still she continued rolling, I mean hopping, anyway.

Jo-Yee loved spelling. When she entered class, you could imagine her joy when she saw the words 'SPELLING' emblazoned on the black board. All the students took their seats and soon their teacher, Mr Jolubaba, gave them the first word.

"Spell 'love'," he said.

Jo-Yee was fidgeting in her seat by then. That was because she did not know how to spell the word! So hastily, she tore open her Twisties Lurve Multi-grain Chips and grabbed a mouthful of chips and stuffed them into her humongous mouth. (Twisties Lurve always keeps Jo-Yee calm and happy and able to think of how to spell words. That's the power of these chips) Only then she realised on the packet that the word 'Lurve' was written there! Happily munching the chips in her mouth, she quickly wrote down l-u-r-v-e on her paper and prayed silently to whoever who founded the name to this awesomely delicious chips.

Once Jo-Yee reached home that day, she immediately went online and started to blog about how Twisties Lurve saved her life. (since you know, spelling is Jo-Yee's life) She was so happy she even joined the Nuffnang Twisties Lurve Contest!

In honour of how it saved her life! :D

She started to spell love as LURVE from then on!

So now you know how badly she wanted to win the contest! Cos she wanted to be FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

A few days later, Jo-Yee received an e-mail from Nuffnang saying that she had won the Twisties Lurve contest because of her stupidity in not knowing how to spell the word love they L-U-R-V-E HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since then, Jo-Yee lived happily ever after. And she never realised that the word LOVE was spelled as LOVE and not LURVE. The end.

JOR okay I lied. Jo-Yee did has not won the contest yet. Pleeease let me win la..... I promise I won't ever use Pinocchio as example anymore. Pleeaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I LURVE YOU NUFFNANG!!!!!!!!!!! No I am not ass-kissing!!! (how did you guess???)

I hope I win because I cannot stop buying Twisties Lurve Chips now eversince the first time I bought them!!!

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