Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You might want to know...

...how I scored for my 3rd Standardised Test. So here it is.

BM 90% A1
82% A1
MATH 96% A1
+MATH 80 A1
SEJ 85% A1
MORAL 80% A1
EST 80% A1

STARIGHT A1s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

What? Why are you looking at me like that?


BIO 60% B4
CHEM 56% C6
PHY 40% E8

Happy now? As you can see, these are also the subjects which I did NOT score A for my previous Mid Terms too. So it is pretty obvious that these three subjects are the ones I need to put most work on, which pretty much proves that I am not fit to be a Pure Science student.

But I shall prove you WRONG! I will do WELL for my SPM and you will be sitting at home eating your words when you see me flounce around with my glowing SPM certificate!!!!!

I just hope I don't end up being the one who has to eat her words. Gulps.

No, I am confident! I am motivated! There is not much time to waste! I am NOT going to be a failure! I am NOT going to let anything get in the way of me and my glowing SPM cert! I am going to work my ass off and show my Mum that I am worth all the money she has spent on me my entire life!

I am not going to go for MTV World Stage (because I haven't even got the confirmation letter till now. Screw MTV)! I am not going for ANY outings starting from now except for dinner or breakfast! I am going to spend my weekends studying! I am going to abstain from sex GOING ONLINE (TO BLOG) unless absolutely necessary! UNTIL SPM IS OVER!

Think I can't do it? WATCH ME.


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