Sunday, May 17, 2009

Picture Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Hey you all not excited mer??? Yea la that is because you all don't know the contents of this post! Okay okay I also don't want to be too loh soh already! :D :D :D


Who is this with the very pretty floral bookmark fan she is holding?

Of course it's Cheryl Lee the olden times Chinese beauty or what they call Gundik Maharaja!!! :D (actually they don't mean the same thing but whatever la)

And when you extract her towel long dress from her waist down she can do Kung Fu! :D :D :D Very impressive right.

SEXY BACK!!!! And chopsticks sticking out at the back of her head.

Yor so pretty right. I know you want to marry her now. SIAO ah you want to kena pancung kepala by Maharaja is it??? D: D: D:

Aiyor don't you just love her costume. I make one le. :D

Oh! Gundik Maharaja not only can do Kung Fu! Can pose as MODEL some more! I can see some of you drooling already! Heeheeheeheeheehee. :D :D :D

Okay story finish. :D :D :D :D

Actually hor, it's just that I cannot tahan picture post without MY PICTURE ma! D: No worries I shall fuel my camwhoring your needs to see my beautiful face now! :D :D :D

The title is....

What happens when you give two Siao Pos a camera! :D :D :D

First, the prettier one will purse her lips while the uglier one hides her face! Shy ma, juxtaposed next to such a beauty. Must understand her.

KIDDING la jor. D: D: D: I know Cheryl is also very pretty okay (as the below picture can so readily attest). Or not how to be Gundik Maharaja?

The prettier taller one strikes a wannabe Lala pose! While the other just erm. Acts cute.

And then they roll around until hair look like siao po and then snap and a beautiful picture turns out! Miracles miracles... Or is it just they're too pretty? ;)

And then they see you start to masturbate drool so they cover their eyes from the scary sight!

And then they accidentally open them and so before they scamper away in fear they make this face!

On accidentally witnessing the awful scene of you, erm, drooling: "My mind. Has been. Corrupted."

And then you say: Shut up la.


No la. Just kidding. Nah, a pretty picture to make up for making you mastur- I mean drool.

Want to see us lian? Hor I sense you losing respect for us liao. Hohohohoho! :D :D :D

Random pic. No interesting caption.

Purposely make weird face to stimulate interesting ideas for caption but fail.

So now Cheryl is angry! And the taller one (no she is NOT me. How many times do you want me to tell you D:) acts like everything is beautiful and charming and the world is free of idiots! :D

And then the taller one (NOT me. NOT ME.) gets angry because Cheryl says there is still one idiot in the world: You. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so funny right. Joking JOKING THEY ARE JOKING.

Both of them begging for forgiveness. "Don't kill us....pleaseeeeeeee."

Become ghosts. (for some inexplicable reason)

Reborns into a beauty! :D (same reason as above HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

*The picture of the newly reborn taller one will not be posted here because it is so beautiful it might just blind your eyes.

Some last pictures before the fateful reincarnation:

The Beauties sleeping beautifully.

Pretty legs.

Tangled up legs.

Straightenned up legs. Now, don't get dirty ideas okay.

To the left, to the left...

To the right, to the right...

Reaching for the stars (or ceiling fan)!

Struggling because it's so far away!

Give up. "Fuck you I don't want liao. D: D: D:"

Mock mock mock mock mock mock "We are living happily you are up there collecting dust every night have to spin until siao HAHAHAHAHAHAH peace peace sucker!"

"See we can do butterfly what can you do?"

See their happy face after mocking poor star (ceiling fan)? Evil people I tell you. EVIL PEOPLE.


"Even our yellow teeth look more appealing than you now."

"Na nee na nee booo booooo!!!! :D :D :D"

Oh what is this you see OH MY GOD AN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ey wait they are LEGS! :D :D :D

Who's legs?

The taller one's one la! Haijor the black string on her right leg also gave it away liao lor.

OH MY GOD WHO SO OBSCENE DIG PEOPLE'S ASS??????????????????????? O_O

Oh, it's Cheryl Lee digging her legs la. When questioned of her purpose of this activity she casually answered with a shrug, "Itchy ma." -_-

Whose pairs of legs so beautiful??? But how come the right one prettier one? ;)

Don't la see they become shy already.

Cheryl cries because her mother arrives right at that moment to come pick her up and that signifies the end of camwhore marathon.

The End.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Nice outfit. I can't believe I read the whole thing too. Have a nice day!

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