But I just want to type! And if I don't blog for a very long time I will feel like a piece of me is missing! And with my computer not by my side I hardly even feel WHOLE anymore. So imagine if I were to neglect blogging I'd surely dissolve into nothingness in this cruel, cruel world...
Okay very pointless. And a mouse ran over my foot just now. And I mean an actual, real-live MOUSE and not the one you use with your PC. It was EXTREMELY digsusting but thank God it ran fast, so I was only able to catch a glimpse of a brown furry thing dash past my foot. If I had seen the whole thing, and WORSE if the whole thing had been CRAWLING past my foot I would have screamed bloody murder and refused to set foot on solid ground EVER.
There are a few things I realised these past few days:
1. I realised I have gained weight.
2. I realised my left eye is bigger than my right.
3. I realised I procrastinate worse than ever before.
4. I realised I need to start studying because I can SMELL SPM lurking nearby.
5. I realised my left eye is bigger than my right.
6. I realised I repeated the previous line.
7. I realised I realised a lot of things.
SOOOOO I will try to lose weight, fight my procrastination, start studying andddddddddddddd stop obsessing over the size of my eyes. What? You expect me to FIX my eyes ar?
It is so fulfilling to see the word realised spelled with an S instead of a Z thanks to my rereading of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the twenty seventh time because Harry Potter is a book from the UK which English language is the CORRECT English! :D :D :D Say no to Z's!
Armie is back from NS! :D And she looks very pretty! In spite of the fact that now if she stands in total darkness with her teeth bared, all you will see is a flash of white and nothing else (provided she brushes her teeth la)! :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I know damn mean right! I have always taken with pride and glee that I have fair skin but IMAGINE if I were to be selected for NS I would come back looking like I had no hair! Because my skin colour would camouflage with my hair! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am so funny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
But actually, I would really want to go for NS. I mean, I have never really been against the government and I actually support alot of their programmes and activities, although you know, I might seem like some Cina Poh who cares about nothing but channel E! Entertainment. But I am not! I always try to see the logic in the government's decisions when everyone around me is bashing it like nobody's business because I believe people do things for a reason. And as for a politician, all the more reason for me to FIND logic in their activities because I believe behind the greedy and selfish facade each politician apparently carries, lies a part of them which actually wishes to do good to the people over whom they reign. Weird right my theory. But it's true! No one can be that selfish as too only care about oneself, especially so if such one person is a politician.
Although todate the one thing that I can never tolerate the government doing is even CONSIDERING to change Mathematics and Science to be taught in the Malay language. It is DAMN aggravating you know. I mean, we all KNOW that English is the international language and Mathematics and Science are ALSO recognised universally. If a student from Malaysia were to become a world renowned Scientist one day, but does his research and reports all in the MALAY LANGUAGE, would he be able to come in line with the other universally skilled Scientists? Would they understand him?
If the counterattack is to say that if one such Scientist is smart enough to reach universal level, he should be able to cope with the alteration of languages when he is expected to do so, then WHY START HIM FROM THE MALAY LANGUAGE IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE IS GOING TO HAVE TO SWITCH EVERYTHING BACK TO ENGLISH LATER?
This is so ridiculous I tell you. We KNOW that teaching Math and Science in English will not help in improving English skills in students but that is not the point is it? By teaching Math and Science in English, the purpose is not to ENHANCE a student's skills in English but merely to help the student COPE with Math and Science in the UNIVERSAL LEVEL.
Why should Math and Science be taught in the Malay language? If students can't cope with the two subjects being taught in English, isn't it WISER to figure out solutions to help the students master Math and Science in English rather than taking the easy way out by converting everything back to the Malay language so that they can pass their examinations with flying colours? When students cannot cope with their academic responsibilities and expected comprehension, then solutions should be come up to help them study better, and NOT by reducing the passing mark of an examination or pulling back the standards of a certain subject to articulate with Malaysian students' lack of understanding in said subject! Because if the latter is done so, which is what the goverment has been doing mind you, then WHEN are Malaysian students EVER going to learn and MASTER the subject?
I am so sick of this. It is RIDICULOUS to convert everything back into the Malay language. As if setting 65% as A1 for Add Math in SPM is not enough an embarrassment. Sheeeesh. If we are going to be terbilang with the rest of the very well-developed countries around the world, the first thing we have to do is train up and prepare our young leaders with sufficient, or even better, EXCESSIVE knowledge that the other successful countries have. And to kick start the whole thing there is only one thing to do:
Eeeeeeeeeeeee I am such a good blogger right. ;) From nothing to say can turn out to write about something important soooo passionately! Haha. But this is a very boring post, I understand. I just hope that people will understand the importance of this and really, STOP destroying our younger generation's future.
Hahaha now's the time I comment what I've always wanted to say since I read your sidebar LOL.
I wouldn't say i don't support government actions, but one thing I learnt in International studies is why the government does the stupid things it does sometimes, is out of self-interest. It's the most dominant theory, realism. ^^ To be a realist, you only act or do things that is in your self-interest, even if it means war (meaning war will always be a part of self-interest). Don't mean to crash your hopes, but a poverty-free world probably won't happen... ^^; (unless you're extremely liberalist and believe that people can put aside their differences and work together, which is highly unlikely seeing as there are civil wars within several countries and N. Korea is firing test missiles like nobody's business). Also, until we can find energy that is sustainable, we will still be consuming fossil fuels, and dumping toxic waste (cos it has to go somewhere), a pollution free world is a demand that's a little too high. Maybe a cleaner world, but not pollution-free.
So yeah, it's not a facade, the government IS being greedy, at least on an international level, Malaysia's been pretty cooperative with the rest of the world and hasn't made that many mistakes yet. They still have alot of work to do within domestic range la haha. (YOU ARE A LIBERALIST MY FRIEND)
And I totally agree with you about the Science and Math in English thing. Especially since I'm studying in a uni that's overseas, all the authors of the books, research studies, journal articles that we cite, write in English. Even if they were from let's say Germany or Japan, and probably studied in their national language, when they wanna publish their writings, they have to translate or write in English. Which almost defeats the purpose of them studying in their own language.
Malaysia's Ministry of Education is being a pissy-ass because we are ruining our beautiful Malay language with slang and rojak Bahasa, that they feel the need to implement it in whatever way possible. ^^
to itomaki,
i agree that some countries are not cooperating.but i do not think that firing missiles has connection with poverty-free world.launching missiles are part of war that brings sufferings to humans across the world but that has nothing to do with poverty-free world.
to create a poverty-free world does not relate to any missile launching.if i were to say to create a peaceful world the launching of missile has its impact on world peace.
to create a poverty-free world is to encourage more rich guy like bill gates to donate some of their money and its the government duty to provide a better living for their poor citizen.does north korean citizen suffers from poverty?not like africa ,ethiopia and india does.they managed their money well that their ppl still can live normally.so def it has nothing to do with missile launching
yes i too agree that its wrong to launch missile.im just saying not quite related.unless a war is waged that properties are being destroyed and citizen of an attacked country lost all their money.that of coz can never create a poverty-free world.
i really agree with u that its quite impossible laa.hahaha..sry joey.
haha oh well. it's a WISH isn't it? doesn't hurt to wish. (:
sometimes the more impossible a thing might seem to happen, the more fun it is to wish that it will right. :D
maybe it wouldn't happen, but doesnt woudlnt stop me wishing it would. (:
Hitori> I don't mean to say that firing missiles has anything to do with poverty lol. *don't blame me, I just did a 2000-word essay on human and environmental security with 13 references, with yeap, POVERTY in it*
I'm just saying that in a you can only dream of a poverty free world, if you're a liberalist (which basically means you think that WAR, being greedy and conflict is not the answer), BUT the world is not liberalist, IF ANYTHING, the world is REALIST (which means we only act in our own self-interest), which is proven when Korea launched missiles even when other countries told them not to. It's just an example. ^^ N. Korea's saying "Screw you all I wanna launch missiles!" which is the same as other countries saying "Screw you, my money is for my people, not yours."
So yeah, REALISM is what's pushing the world...but it doesn't mean some people (like Jo) can't be liberalist. ^^ Liberalist theory is after all the polar opposite, and we always need someone to challenge the dominant theory.
To eradicate poverty, one, we have to get rid of stupid government policies and corrupt governments (which in realist view, WILL NOT HAPPEN). Failed states (it's the word we use for country in class, not country, STATE) such as Zimbabwe (and really I mean FAIL, it's recorded) is starving from poverty and civil war and what happens? Their president-elect Zuma goes and spends 75 million rand on his effing inauguration ceremony.
Also it's a vicious cycle.
Growth in population > scarce resources >price hikes > people cannot pay for resources > poverty > no (sex) education >growth in population
And the cycle repeats itself.
But yes, even you, Hitori my man, agree with me that it's impossible. ^^ You are a realist.
Oh and they're playing the night you guys are leaving Melbourne. D8
haha i get your point i get your point. maybe i should not have written the word FREE, like poverty-FREE of pollution-FREE. maybe the woprd REDUCED would better fit?
but i'm still with myself. maybe it wouldnt happen, but i still WISH it would. (:
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