Wednesday, September 30, 2009
GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I solemnly think this news I just found on the Internet fit the title more than my unusual oversleeping business.
A TSUNAMI FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC STRUCK SAMOA YESTERDAY (Tuesday 6.48am). So far it has been confirmed that 82 lives have been claimed and many others still lost! It was caused by a 7.9 undersea earthquake! O_O
OMG. Let us all pray for the unfortunate victims and also that such fate would not land upon the rest of us. T__T God, if You are out there, please bless our souls!
OMG. Didn't I just say in my last post that I have NEVER overslept for school before? GUESS WHAT HAPPENED THIS MORNING.
I overslept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it! I don't even know HOW I overslept since I have SIX ALARMS set and it's almost like a habit that I wake every two hours or so whenever I sleep.
This morning, I rolled around rolling rolling rolling then when I opened my eyes, thinking it was my usual two-hour break from sleep, I found out the skies were already bright and it was already 9 something am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sot one!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have an earthly idea how that could happen! And my promise of not skipping school is only, what, 1 day old? I am such a failure!!! How on earth did I oversleep??? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!
Okay so, I think I do have an idea after all. I spent the whole of last night watching 家好月圆 (TVB's Moonlight Resonance) until about 4 am in the morning.
STILL. Two hours after that should be around 6 and I should have woken up and still be on time for school. BUT I DIDN'T WAKE UP!!!
I am going to die. I am going to set ten alarms tonight and put the loudest ringtones so that it would blast me awake for tomorrow. If I oversleep again, I tell you, you will never see the end of this 17-year-old bitch's life.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Don't ever ever skip school.
I was shocked because I hadn't known that we would have to sit for a BM paper right after the holidays. And during the 10 day holiday, I didn't pick up even one book to study. I am not saying that I would have picked up a book to study during the holidays if I had known we would have pre-SPM right away, but I would have still been a little more prepared and would NOT have taken the easy way out:
I skipped school. I skipped BM paper, thinking that everything would be fine, if only I skipped it. And since this wasn't trial, I figured it wouldn't be such a big deal.
Only after that I realised how stupid I am. I skipped Tuesday, so what? I still have to retake the paper. And how about the rest of pre-SPM? I still have ALOT of papers to go through with, so what am I supposed to do? Skip all of them?
Sometimes people really think very weirdly. And this is how people always make rushing decisions and then regret it half an hour later.
I woke up this morning and texted my friends to ask them was it really true that we were going to be having BM paper. Cherrie said yes. And I freaked out. Because I didn't figure I could write even a PARAGRAPH in BM, what more an entire essay? What more a FEW entire essays? I paced my room up and down this morning, I brushed my teeth and put on my bra, ready to go to school. But in the end I didn't. Because I was too scared.
Usually when I skipped school, it was because I didn't have enough sleep, or simply because I didn't want to go. I have never over-slept. I tell a bunch of lies to my school teachers in my absence letter. Overslept being the most popular. But that was never the case.
But this time, I was really scared of BM. I didn't know why I was so scared. I really don't know. I really regret skipping school today. But the saddest thing is how stupid I am to have thought that by skipping school, I would be safe from having to sit for BM. Because while everybody is already celebrating that they have fought through BM, I would have to take the paper alone.
That is even worse than taking it unprepared.
Why am I so stupid? Throughout this year, why did I think that by skipping school, everything will be fine by the time I return? Daddy called me today and asked "How was school?" I was SO GLAD that he didn't ask "How was school TODAY?" because or not I would have to either admit that I skipped school, or lie and say it was fine.
I don't know why I am so selfish. When I skip school, my Daddy gets really angry. My Mum gets really upset. My sister scolds me. And me? I lose track of all my syllabus. Why is it only NOW that I realise that skipping school is so STUPID?
From now on, even if it's only one and a half months more of school., I promise to never never skip school UNDER any circumstances. I used to say not skip school unless necessary. That didn't work because everytime I felt like skipping, I would convince myself that it was necessary, it was necessary when it actually wasn't!
Ga Jie, Mummy, Daddy, Aun Jie, Bat Leong, and everyone else who has hated me for skipping, I am sorry and I will never do it again.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I don't understand la. Parents! Why are you grounding your teenage kids! They are supposed to be having fun! Come on la, I have been quite a rebellious kid my whole life and am often allowed to go hang out till the late hours of the night and seriously, nothing has ever happened to me. No, in fact, I have been in the first class my whole life, I haven't shot anyone and I certainly am not smoking or pregnant. Yes, I swear sometimes but is that really soooooooooooooo bad? And the sole reason for you to keep your kid locked up at home?
Okay fine, I admit I am only saying all these because I am feeling damn bored and jaded at home, doing nothing each day except waking up late and lying around watching TV or playing Pet Society. I know it is only what two months to SPM and I should be studying and not sitting around complaining but seriously, ADULTS, do you guys remember how BORING it is to study? To sit in front of a book and try to absorb the stuff into your brain? It kills!
Everyone is talking about what stupid experience they had in Australia, or Sunway Pyramid or Bukit Tinggi Aeon, or at a friend's place or whatever stupid place they were at and what have I got to boast about? NOTHING. When I turn on stupid MSN, NOBODY even comes to chat with me. When I send texts, nobody replies. EEEESSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
What is happening to me??? Am I so boring to hang out with? I am fun! Serious! People out there! Friends classmates random strangers Prince William God etc! Jio me out for yam cha I AM DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
- It is SO SO SO MUCH easier to post photos there than here in Blogger, so of course as a normal human being with needs and wants I choose the much more convenient way.
- I cannot stop playing Pet Society, so time spent here has become less.
I am jealous. Of something. Which I don't think I am allowed to say here. Because I don't want certain parties to get the satisfaction of succeeding in making me jealous, and also I don't want to be perceived as weak by the general public.
Which I guess is already defeated since I admitted that I am jealous. Of something.
Just one simple advice: Hold on to what you own, because you never know when it will slip from your grip, or worse, get into the hands of another person.
Ciao. Next post, photos! Promise!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Promises? Who the fuck cares?
When you decide to make a promise, please for the love of God, MAKE SURE that you can keep and FULFIL that promise. If let's say, you said you wanted to bring someone out for McD, then DON'T get yourself involved in Mahjong and take THAT as an excuse for you to refuse your promise. The person you have made the promise to, would have been STARVING to death. Is her health more important, or your stupid Mahjong?
Secondly, when you promise to go for a movie with someone, please be sure that you keep the evening free to FULFIL your promise. But no, you instead decide to play MAHJONG and make all sorts of stupid excuses so that you wouldn't have to go for the movie anymore and instead have ample time to play your stupid MAHJONG. Oh, Mid Valley is so far....! Oh, I don't want to drive at night, I can't see the road clearly...! Oh, I am so tired...! Oh it's too expensive! (These aren't MY sentences, so the exclamation marks do not count.)
Next time, if it is SO DIFFICULT for you to KEEP a promise, DON'T make one. Just don't. SAVE IT. Save your stupid energy, sit there like a stupid futon couch and play your stupid MAHJONG for the rest of your life.
Friday, September 18, 2009
- NO MUSIC PLEASE. - Okay so it is fine if there is a certain song you like really much, and would like to share with the whole world, but don't let it play automatically. Let the reader browse through your blog WITHOUT interruption and then if he sees the music player and WOULD LIKE to listen to the song, he'll click it play on his own. Nobody likes to be reading something halfway and suddenly HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE! IS YOUR LOVE HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVEEEEE......! Get what I mean? And check this: It is easier for the reader to click the CLOSE button than to go find your music player to click it stop OR to reach out and turn off his speaker.
- BIG FONTS. - People don't like reading posts with squinty eyes. Chances are, they will decide that you have nothing good to say and they will LEAVE without even finishing the post! Because let's face it: BIG = GOOD. Eg. boobs, wallet, macadamia nut etc. So if your font is BIG enough, then readers are going to decide that Hmm there might be something good here...
- CUT THE EMO. - I think it is scientifically proven that people like reading funny stuff about someone rather than how the world is unfair and picking on said someone and said someone wishes he could die instead of living and WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?????????????
- DON'T TRY TOO HARD. - When you write, don't over do your language. Yes, you might be a very very good writer, but if the reader CANNOT understand such chim language, then what is even the point? Go light with your language so that readers FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE (not in the age sense, but by educational level) can relate to your post and UNDERSTAND you.
- LOTS AND LOTS OF PHOTOS. - Humans are lazy creatures. Instead of having to read the post word for word by themselves, they like being spoon-fed with pictures. Because, well, a picture speaks a thousand words!
- WRITE YOUR OWN POSTS. - DON'T PLAGIARISE. If you want someone to read something you found extremely interesting on the net, either review the whole thing over again in your own words, or provide a link. I personally find it rude to copy-paste someone's text into your blog and only leave a small-fonted credit at the end of the post. And then YOU get all the credits instead of the person who originally wrote it.
- USE PROPER ENGLISH. - This varies with interpretation. Some people think this type of English is good, some people think it sucks etc. The thing is, just write as how you speak it. That is the key. You don't have to be AWESOMELY good at English to be a good blogger, you just need to be REALLY good at delivering what you want to say.
- EMBRACE YOUR BLOG. - Be PROUD of what you write. Be your own fan! I swear! Keep regular updates of your profile pictures, instant messages, tweets etc. Let the readers know that YOU ARE ALIVE and EVOLVING. :D
- MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL. - DO NOT CHANGE YOUR LINK. If you keep changing your link, people wouldn't be able to keep track of your identity, or your blog, even. You can call yourself OR or whatever, but DON'T CHANGE your link. PERIOD. That is why it is always a good idea to pick a link that you really like and most reflects you. Plus, if you want to get your blog fame to be spread by word of mouth, then you gotta choose a link that is easy to remember and SPELL.
.............."Hey I just came across this awesome blog!"
............. "Oh! What's the link? I wanna check it out!"
............. "It's"
............. "WTF?"
Movie outing + gruesome true story
Only to realise when we arrived at TGV Sunway Pyramid that the 3D movie would start at only 7.00pm. -_- Which was too late. ): So we had to watch the NORMAL one instead, without the 3D shades so Cherrie was really, really bummed. But I don't think she was that bummed anymore AFTER watching the movie because even without the 3D shades, it was already DAMN GRUESOME. So imagine if she had on the 3D shades, I think she might die.
Okay so, we aren't 18 yet so we had to LIE to buy the tickets and Cherrie (being the one who looks most conspicuously NOT 18) even went to the extent of FAKING her IC, by changing the 1992 to 1991. Haha. AWESOME NOT. But thankfully in the end she didn't need to use it since the cinema people didn't even check anyway. But it was sad in a way because we couldn't take advantage of the student rate. ): 10 bucks wey. SO expensive.
It's so ironic actually because after we bought our tickets we went to Kim Gary's to eat and when the bill came, the waiter asked if we had student IDs. I was like, "OH!" because NEVER in my life had someone ASKED for my student ID before because I had NEVER looked like a student my whole life. I really think I missed one section from my growth. Like, from a small child (that's why no one would ask for my student card because I was too young) I went straight to being this really mature looking person (that's why no one will ask for my STUDENT card either, because they mostly think that I have graduated). I missed the adolescent and teenage part of my life, so I have NEVER looked like a teenager before. Which is sad because isn't that supposed to be like the best part of someone's life? ):
Anyway, I was really shocked that the KG's waiter asked for my student ID (OKAY FINE he might have been asking either Cherrie or Mae Vin or Sally but LET ME LIVE MY DREAM CANNOT mer?????) so I told him that our school was not like a private school and so we didn't have student IDs but we swear we were students! But in the end he said sorry, no student ID no 5% discount. Shoot! So as we were walking out of the place I purposefully flirted (because he was kind of a cutie) and said, "SO stingy. Next time we come back here, MUST remember to bring our SPM books okay girls?" And the poor boy was all, "It's not my fault!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA COMEL.
So ironic right. At the cinema we had to hide all traces that we were students but in KG's we were BEGGING (well, sort of) them to believe we were students. Haha. :D
FINAL DESTINATION was AWESOME. Okay so, it was kind of predictable and short and fake and coincidental, but it was a really REALLY good movie because there wasn't even a PART in the movie that we could sit still! ANYTHING could happen in the movie and we kept fidgeting and moving about and grabbing each other in our seats! Haha. The director of the movie is awesome. It's like he knows the psychological works of our minds or something. Haha. :D
But it was damn interesting AND embarrassing because there was one part where the guy and the girl are at this really dark place and SUDDENLY from behind, a HAND taps their shoulder and Cherrie, having been caught TOTALLY off guard, SHOUTED so shrilly and loudly that her voice rang around the cinema! And the WORSE part? SHE WAS THE ONLY WHO SCREAMED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So after that I wanted to go buy bra but then no size fit. HAHAHAHAHA I AM JOKING it's just that I was too lazy to keep trying and trying so in the end I decided not to buy. When I was on my way home, my aunt (who was in the car with my Mum when she came to fetch me) told my Mum a story of her neighbour who recently died in a freak car accident.
He worked at the type of place where if your car breaks down you're supposed to call and get them to come and pull your car (I don't know what it's called. Haha. :D). Apparently, on that fateful day, someone called because his car broke down. So this guy, my aunt's neighbour was getting ready to go and everything but his colleagues kind of warned him not to, and said let someone else do it or something. But my aunt's neighbour just when ahead and gone.
When they say, Malang tak berbau, it's really true because COINCIDENTALLY, there was a drunk driver around that area who lost control of his car and collided HEAD-ON with my aunt's neighbour's CAR! And my aunt's neighbour, his jaw kind of hit the steering wheel and was crushed badly and both his legs were broken and disjointed from his body and everything and he died right on the spot!
Oh gosh, I feel so terrible now. My aunt's neighbour who died left behind his wife and two small children who up til now even, haven't known about their father's death.
Isn't it just TERRIBLE? Like all of sudden someone you know and LOVE, even, is GONE from the world. Like you're never going to hear his laughter again, never going to TALK to him again, never going to be able to tell him about your experience in school, never going to SEE him again or touch him. It is the most terrible feeling in the world, losing someone.
It just goes to show really, that accidents can happen at ANYTIME and it is quite cliched but TRUE to ALWAYS ALWAYS take good care of yourself and the people you love. When you said, "Take care." to your friends and family when you were leaving for school or whatever, tell me, when were the times you actually MEANT them, and not only said that as a custom?
Really, think about it. When you tell someone to take care, do you really worry that they are not eating enough, or not looking left-right-left when they cross the street, not deboning their fish properly when they eat it? Most of the time we say take care is because it is a nice thing to do, and NOT because we actually MEAN for them to take care. It's sad, but it's the truth, isn't it?
So really, beginning from now I will start to be EXTRA careful with everything and instead of constantly reminding people I care about to take care, I will try to take care of them myself and erm, MAKE SURE that they are doing exactly that: Taking care of themselves.
Because I don't want to lose anyone I love and care about. It sounds selfish, but I really don't want that to happen. I don't think I will be able to take the loss.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
WHOA!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's have a closer inspection...
Yay yay yay yay yay yay I am going to see Tyson and his glitters and AAR and Nick and ONE BUCK SHORT and me and you and everybody who's going!
I got a blog job due!
Crazy not. I am almost everywhere with a camera and snapping everything possible, and I don't have
Atika, time to hang out more! :O
WIll get your BBP done ASAP okay? Love ya! ;)
HAPPY SEVENTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Let's revive the dead.
Taylor Swift's version of course. And then I went on Youtube and discovered that ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT of other bands, singers and musicians have covered this song too! Namely, Linkin Park, Mcfly, All Time Low, Vanilla Sky, Mandy Moore etc.
Personally, I don't find Rihanna's version any interesting, in fact, I hated that it was always played in radio stations during its glorious times.
I only heard cover versions by Vanilla Sky and Taylor Swift before today, and I think they both did AWESOMELY better than Rihanna's version. (I'm not into Hip Hop period.)
But today I found MCFLY's version and All Time Low's version and they both ROCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!
By MCFLY! My absolute FAVOURITE! I love the screaming part! So SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
By ALL TIME LOW. Very sexy as well, but Mcfly's version is sexierrrrrrr! :D
Vanilla Sky's version! The video is freaking hilarious! And I think they made most alterations to the song in their version. It rocks! :D
Go check out the other cover versions in Youtube. I only posted these few because they are my favourites! :D
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Pink font because it's her favourite colour! (:
A 3.6kg baby girl was born at Damo Clinic in Klang. According to those present, she was one of the cutest baby they had ever seen. Please note the word was in the previous sentence because it may serve as a crucial information in the following contents (photos, captions etc).
She was the angel of everyone's eyes. (Also note the word was please.) Charming, fat, round, small piggy eyes, quiet and adorable. But once when she tried to learn how to feed herself porridge, she miserably failed (as she wasn't even capable of holding a spoon yet at that time, let alone lead it to her mouth) and got a scolding from her Dad, after which she cried. Said Dad got scolded by her Mum. She then laughed evilly.
The last part was a lie.
Soon she grew up to being the OLD WOMAN she is today, her personality as all the following pictures entail...
You may have the most boring face on Earth...
You may be the most gluttony person alive...
You may have the boyfriend who only wears his PAY DAY Teeshirt when he doesn't need to go to work...

You may be a pervert who plants sloppy forceful kisses on adorable baby boys...
(No I am not saying that she is a pedophile but I shall leave the truth to your imagination.)
You may take bad camwhore photos with the over-sized shades which you immediately regretted buying only after 5 minutes of owning them...
You may take even worse candid photos (especially those sabotaged by me!) while talking and nobody listens...
You camwhore with me and make me look nicer in them! (because I am juxtaposed to an uglier you!) :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are as BIG a camwhore as I am so whenever somebody accuses me of being the GREATEST camwhore ever I can snap back and say, "Well, YOU HAVEN'T MET MY SISTER!" :D
You don't look abit like me (or should I say, I don't look abit like you?) so we can pretend to be friends of the same age so you wouldn't be embarrassed by having to admit that you are baby sitting your little (HAH the irony. LITTLE?!) sister while you go shopping! :D
FIVE TIMES because you OLD and I love the banner! :D
Thanks for the 17 years of allowing me to be the more pampered and spoilt daughter of Alan Tan Wai Seng and Juliet Chan Sway Keng. Heh. At least I gave you THREE COMPLETE YEARS devoid of me and my whiny demands okay.
Love you and may you always be the April Tan Han Yee everybody came (and will come and erm, are coming wtf) to love and pamper! ;)
Gulps. My first song.
Okay. This is my seven thousand eight hundred and fifty sixth attempt at writing a song and FIRST success at finishing ONE! :D
The inspiration for this song is erm, a guy, I've known for a VERY short period of time and erm, I decided to call this song The Wrong Guy because well, he is.
I am going to admit that I quite like the song but I sound TERRIBLE singing it. Haha. Ayor some people are not born singers okay. And there's some voice glitch at 2.05 (among other parts) and I sound EXTREMELY HORRIBLE so please forgive me. :D Instead of listening to my voice, listen to the song okay? Okay. :D
It is also quite soft so I suggest earphones at maximum volume.
So in the words of Janelle, watch/listen/click at your own risk:
Here are the lyrics:
(No wait. Before that let me clarify that I TOO think that the lyrics suck because I was so excited at actually finishing a song that I didn't consider the lyrics. But then when I finally wanted to change them, no words fit anymore!)
(So please hor, don't laugh at my cliched words.)
The Wrong Guy
Verse 1
You will never know when you fall in love
With the wrong guy
At the wrong time
You go to school and think that everything's fine
Till he walks by
And catches your eye
You try to smile back but he turns his back on you
You feel like a fool
The next time he walks by
You swear that you will never look
But there he goes with his brown hair
His gorgeous eyes
The sexy smile
The way he stares, it makes me scared
I look away
But my mind stays
Verse 2
You know it's stupid but you don't realise
He's the wrong guy
It's the wrong time
Could this be the time that you finally see
The real him
You try to forget but it's harder to be done than said
The next time he walks by
You swear that you won't lose your head
Chorus x2
Is it only safe
To stay away
Is it only right
For me to hide
Why won't he see
That we could be...
Chorus x1
But then I go and talk to him
I tell him so that we could be
He gives a smile and pulls me in
And then he ends it with a kiss
- AAR music. The most important point. WHEN DID SPM GET IN THE WAY OF AAR??? Never! (Okay maybe yes, if it's on the actual day of SPM)
- Tyson. Nick. Mike. Chris. Swing swinggggggggggg!
- Nick Wheeler. I still REFUSE to admit that I have given him to Ash.
- Tyson's flourescent yellow RELA coloured singlet!
- Tyson's glitter!!!!!!!!!!!
- Tyson's dramatic acts on stage!!!
- AAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh my God!
You see. Ten complete reasons for me to go for this concert! Plus the ticket is free for all Digi users! :D And it's free standing so I am going to be there like ten hours early to secure the best spot! But the problem is I will have to redeem my ticket by TOMORROW. Crazy not. Now I have to persuade my Mummy to take me to Sunway Pyramid TOMORROW to collect the ticket. I even called Digi Customer Service Hotline (016-2211800) to ask if I can extend the period of collection but Mr Muthu said sorry, I couldn't. -_-
And then I will have to persuade my Mum to let me GO to the gig. Oh gosh. Wish me luck.
Those who are interested, (DIGI USERS):
Type ON MUSIC and send to 2000. Please be noted that a charge of RM5.00 will be issued for the subscription.
And then when you get a message confirming your subscription, type ON AAR and send to 2000. You will receive a message requesting you to redeem your ticket within a certain period of time. (Different period for different people in accordance to the time sms is sent. So don't worry, I may have to collect my ticket by tomorrow, but your collection period might be till the end of this week!)
Redemption locations will either be:
- Near escalator leading to TGV cinema in SUNWAY PYRAMID
- Near GSC in One Utama
For more information, log on to
Damn I sound like a machine. It's sad that I'm not hired to do blog advertorials. I would do them even if I don't get paid! ): My blog is boring. -_- Need to find ways to make it more interesting...
Ciao! And see you there if you're also going for AAR! :D
My sister went to Sunway Pyramid just now and asked about the AAR ticket and the Digi person told her that the ticket can be collected ANYTIME as long as it's BEFORE THE CONCERT!!! MR MUTHU!!! WHY YOU LIE TO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! D: D: D:
That's why I always change into my spces when I blog. You know how I hate being seen in specs, (except for when I go to school. I don't see the point of having nice eyes when I'm enswathed in such ugly turquoise rags) so you know how much this blurry vision thing freaks me.
In case you haven't been keeping up, I've been gone for a week. Stayed at Sally's house. And now I am back. Got lots of souvees from Mummy and sister from Australia but was offended when they got me the I ♥ MELBOURNE Teeshirt in men's XS rather than a women's L. -_- I may be big, but I am a big WOMAN. Not a SMALL man. I want to have curves (which I do please) and I am sure I can fit into a women's L or XL! ):
But it's okay I still love the things I got. (: Keychain, bag, pencil case, chocolates, Koalabear necklace (so cute!) Teeshirt etc. :D
Anyway, I don't really feel like blogging right now. And am kind of pissed with Mummy cos she has only stepped on Malaysian soil for like, two hours after being away (FROM MEEEE) for a week but she has now gone to my Uncle's place to play Mahjong. -_- I ask you, you angry not.
Never mind la, I want to go and watch You're Hired (I'm so sad the series ended! Thank God for Astro On Demand! :D) now because eventhough Mak Tai Song is not what you call a total hottie, the roles he play in his shows are so CHARMING! :D I love him! ;)
So ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS> Decided to change to Segoe UI. Prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Dad was in his car, you know, swerving left and right because the traffic was damn slow and dumb. But my Dad was doing it legally and then he reached this one point where there was a police road block. Because I guess it was a seasonal period, so there were more jobs going on.
So when my Dad arrived at the policeman, the policeman scanned the car. The first policeman did not stop my Dad though and waved for him to drive on. So my Dad did. HOWEVER, the SECOND policeman, for some reason beyond me (and my sister), stopped my Dad's car and ordered for him to stop by the side and wind down the window.
My Dad was cursing though, as is the normal reaction of anyone when stopped by a policeman (okay, not everyone but still). So the policeman told my Dad, "Sir," he started, "I saw that you were driving not very carefully and overtaking a number of cars," only though, the policeman was saying all this in Malay. My Dad just looked at him.
So the policeman, wearing his stupid uniform (with his "Katakan tidak kepada rasuah!" badge pinned to his stupid chest no doubt. Have to check with my sis) had the nerve to put on his bribe-soliciting move:
So, macam mana, boss?
My sister, having not been in a situation like this before (you know, my Dad and a policeman) genuinely thought that my Dad, (sadly) like all other Malaysians, was going to pay him some pocket money so that he wouldn't issue the summon.
But to my sister's (and mine too when my sister reported this back to me) GLORIOUS SURPRISE my Dad shouted to the policeman in a voice so manly it sounded unlike his own (or was it because of what the words that followed meant?):
Macam mana?
WOO-HOOOO! Tell me, is your Dad as yeng as mine? He totally bashed the policeman in his stupid greedy face and ordered for a SUMMON to be issued to him! I ask you, have you ever witnessed such a VICTORIOUS event or not?!??!
I have been trying for years and years to get the people around me to STOP bribing as that is one of the biggest problems with our government today but to no avail as these people I try to change are often adults who are a generation ahead of me. (my mum, aunt etc) -_- Seriously la, do you know when I went to Singapore once and took their cab, what the driver said to me?
He, KNOWING that I was Malaysian, because he asked where I was from (I didn't know how he could tell I wasn't Singaporean. Because Malaysia and Singapore used to be a country and so the people there wouldn't look any different. I think the way I asked for directions gave it away gua), said to my face, "Oh, Malaysia. The country known for its corruption problem."
I am not even kidding. He said that to me. TO ME FACE. And so I was forced to admit back to his face (and mine) that, "It's true." (well, something like that, I cannot remember exactly what I replied)
YOU SEE. Sia sui or not! So Malaysians, please la.
When you make a mistake on the road and get issued a summon, please pay the summon as your punishment. WHO ASK YOU TO SPEED/NOT STOP ON RED LIGHT/SMOKE/MAKE CALLS WHEN YOU DRIVE???? Actions come with their consequences, please.
And so LET'S SAY you're like my Dad who did nothing wrong but was stopped anyway, then be a HERO like my Dad and SHOUT at the policeman's face to be issued a summon! Don't give the policeman the satisfaction by giving him undertable money! Make them feel embarrassed that they dared to even ASK! Prove that you are not like the other stupid bribe-paying victims the policeman eyed upon! It's the only way we're going to be able to curb corruption!
RM200++ summon is nothing compared to a whole country free of corruption! Say YES to summo - I mean say NO to RASUAH!
Can you BELIEVE it?
Is this maturity? Given if this was last time, I would have just gone to Australia without feeling even an OUNCE of guilt whatsoever. Or rather, I would be bawling like a crazy person for having to remain in Malaysia to sit for my trial exams while everybody goes to have fun in a FOREIGN country (a rarity in the household of Tan). I totally wouldn’t be sitting HERE, typing THIS, feeling totally CALM and not at all UPSET.
Okay fine, I mean I am a little upset, but it’s not entirely because of that fact that I can’t go to Australia. It’s the fact that for 8 whole days, I wouldn’t have the company of my closest relatives (my Mum or sister) by my side so I wouldn’t have anyone to turn to when I start missing home or whatever! And I can’t even CALL them seeing as how they are in another country and I don’t sign up for roaming for my phone line.
Did I mention that I am going to stay at my friend Sally’s house? I'm leaving tomorrow. I guess this is one thing I really look forward to, you know, since Sally is such a sweetheart and all and we have known each other for half our lives. But it irks me that I would be paying NONE for my lodging and accommodation at her house because Sally’s family doesn’t want me to give them any money! They say that I will always be welcome in their household and if I do insist on paying, they wouldn’t let me come! I KNOW. GOT NICER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD NOT. I DON’T THINK SO. T__T
So, being 8 days away from my house means 8 days away from my PC means 8 days away from blogging means will be on hiatus for 8 days. I solemnly wish to be inundated with sweet messages and I-miss-you notes when I finally return to check my mails. Thank you very much. =D
Okay finish. Continue next story.
I just finished my stupid MORAL paper today and as usual it sucked because I once again failed to properly memorise whether or not it’s atau or dan or serta or whatever shit it is for certain nilais. But luckily when I checked later I got everything right. PHEW. And yesterday I had my English paper and I tell you, it was the WORSE ENGLISH PAPER I have ever had in the history of my life.
Let’s talk about Paper 1 first okay? Okay.
I am not going to complain much about Section A because I have always hated that part anyway and so I did not expect anything good. And so the impact wasn’t so bad when I read that I had to write a speech (boring) entitled “Helping the Poor”. It was not bad because I got to use words like ‘philanthropy’ and sorts in my essay which would impress my teacher (her English is BAD so that simple word may seem like a good vocab to her. I mean, HOW many English teachers can you find that pronounce ‘ancestors’ as and-chest-ters? Or ‘coyote’ as co-yot? I am serious).
The next part is Section B of course and I tell you, I spent about fifteen minutes trying to decide which question to write because just look:
- Describe a painful lesson. (I wanted to write about my blog making my Mum cry and all but I realise that was a little too personal for public reading BY MY TEACHER)
- 'A famous person lives a better life without problems'. To what extent do you think this statement is true? (Can you believe it? Something school-related is ACTUALLY talking about Hollywood)
- Write a story about ‘The Unexpected Visitor’. (yawn)
- How to be a good shopper/shop wisely? (HAHA this is such a joke I am like the worse shopper ever. My theory – buy whatever you like as long as it’s cheap. DON’T CARE whether or not it’s necessary because an opportunity gone will never come back. Talking from experience)
- Leadership. (double yawn)
So guess which one I decided on?
OF COURSE it’s about Hollywood right. I don’t watch channel E! Entertainment 24 hours a day for no good reason okay. I mean, there are so many points!
- Constant hounding of persistent paparazzi, robbing famous people of their privacy.
- High expectations. Just because you are earning millions, you are automatically removed from ‘Normal-People List’.
- Have to face baseless assumptions about yourself and your life and not fight back because there isn’t an official law that can be used to charge against these presumptuous paparazzi. (kinda like blogging too, if you think about it. Lifeless people tend to judge you baselessly)
- Exposed to being the conspicuous target of hostage-holders, kidnappers, robbers because you would be able to pay glorious ransom.
And the most fun part is I got to use celebrity stories as elaboration and example! :D
- No privacy (how Angelina Jolie’s adoption of Maddox went public when she had wanted it to be private)
- High expectations (If you’re Elton John, the footage of you LITTERING will undoubtedly get more coverage than a serial-killer on the loose)
- Baseless assumptions (Poor Michael Jackson had had to live with the stigma of being a narcissistic metro sexual male celebrity who betrayed his own race by turning white. I, of course, choose to believe that MJ was actually suffering from a weird skin disease and his nose-job was done because he broke his nose when he got involved in an accident while shooting a commercial that one time)
- Exposed to danger (I didn’t really write an example for this because I cannot figure out if there is any celebrity who had been kidnapped before or even had been CLOSE to being kidnapped)
I hope my English teacher takes the time to read my WHOLE essay rather than canceling out the part after the 351st word. She keeps saying that for Section B, we aren’t allowed to write more than 350 words! I tell you, sick or not! For all the Section B essays I have written my whole life, I have NEVER once NOT have that stupid zigzag line right after my 350th word. And so the evaluation for my essays all this while have always been only for HALF my essay! Doesn’t she understand that when a writer is on a roll she barely even has time to look at the time let alone LIMIT her words to 350??? What can you even SAY in 350 words??? I think the first two paragraphs in my essay already make up 350 words. -_-
But whatever la, I hope to obtain a GOOD A1 this time around because the last time I only got 80 for my English! (because of my summary I suck at summary I HATE summary wtf)
Goodnight. Ciao.