Friday, September 4, 2009

Can you BELIEVE it?

I cannot believe this. I mean, can you? ME, TAN JO YEE Truancy Queen and Super-shopper (so-called) refusing a trip to Australia with my family because I decided to stay at home to sit for my SPM trials?! Well, I don’t know about you but I haven’t completely comprehended this very shocking decision (ironaiclly) I decided upon.

Is this maturity? Given if this was last time, I would have just gone to Australia without feeling even an OUNCE of guilt whatsoever. Or rather, I would be bawling like a crazy person for having to remain in Malaysia to sit for my trial exams while everybody goes to have fun in a FOREIGN country (a rarity in the household of Tan). I totally wouldn’t be sitting HERE, typing THIS, feeling totally CALM and not at all UPSET.

Okay fine, I mean I am a little upset, but it’s not entirely because of that fact that I can’t go to Australia. It’s the fact that for 8 whole days, I wouldn’t have the company of my closest relatives (my Mum or sister) by my side so I wouldn’t have anyone to turn to when I start missing home or whatever! And I can’t even CALL them seeing as how they are in another country and I don’t sign up for roaming for my phone line.

Did I mention that I am going to stay at my friend Sally’s house? I'm leaving tomorrow. I guess this is one thing I really look forward to, you know, since Sally is such a sweetheart and all and we have known each other for half our lives. But it irks me that I would be paying NONE for my lodging and accommodation at her house because Sally’s family doesn’t want me to give them any money! They say that I will always be welcome in their household and if I do insist on paying, they wouldn’t let me come! I KNOW. GOT NICER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD NOT. I DON’T THINK SO. T__T

So, being 8 days away from my house means 8 days away from my PC means 8 days away from blogging means will be on hiatus for 8 days. I solemnly wish to be inundated with sweet messages and I-miss-you notes when I finally return to check my mails. Thank you very much. =D

Okay finish. Continue next story.

I just finished my stupid MORAL paper today and as usual it sucked because I once again failed to properly memorise whether or not it’s atau or dan or serta or whatever shit it is for certain nilais. But luckily when I checked later I got everything right. PHEW. And yesterday I had my English paper and I tell you, it was the WORSE ENGLISH PAPER I have ever had in the history of my life.

Let’s talk about Paper 1 first okay? Okay.

I am not going to complain much about Section A because I have always hated that part anyway and so I did not expect anything good. And so the impact wasn’t so bad when I read that I had to write a speech (boring) entitled “Helping the Poor”. It was not bad because I got to use words like ‘philanthropy’ and sorts in my essay which would impress my teacher (her English is BAD so that simple word may seem like a good vocab to her. I mean, HOW many English teachers can you find that pronounce ‘ancestors’ as and-chest-ters? Or ‘coyote’ as co-yot? I am serious).

The next part is Section B of course and I tell you, I spent about fifteen minutes trying to decide which question to write because just look:

  1. Describe a painful lesson. (I wanted to write about my blog making my Mum cry and all but I realise that was a little too personal for public reading BY MY TEACHER)
  2. 'A famous person lives a better life without problems'. To what extent do you think this statement is true? (Can you believe it? Something school-related is ACTUALLY talking about Hollywood)
  3. Write a story about ‘The Unexpected Visitor’. (yawn)
  4. How to be a good shopper/shop wisely? (HAHA this is such a joke I am like the worse shopper ever. My theory – buy whatever you like as long as it’s cheap. DON’T CARE whether or not it’s necessary because an opportunity gone will never come back. Talking from experience)
  5. Leadership. (double yawn)

So guess which one I decided on?

OF COURSE it’s about Hollywood right. I don’t watch channel E! Entertainment 24 hours a day for no good reason okay. I mean, there are so many points!

  1. Constant hounding of persistent paparazzi, robbing famous people of their privacy.
  2. High expectations. Just because you are earning millions, you are automatically removed from ‘Normal-People List’.
  3. Have to face baseless assumptions about yourself and your life and not fight back because there isn’t an official law that can be used to charge against these presumptuous paparazzi. (kinda like blogging too, if you think about it. Lifeless people tend to judge you baselessly)
  4. Exposed to being the conspicuous target of hostage-holders, kidnappers, robbers because you would be able to pay glorious ransom.

And the most fun part is I got to use celebrity stories as elaboration and example! :D

  1. No privacy (how Angelina Jolie’s adoption of Maddox went public when she had wanted it to be private)
  2. High expectations (If you’re Elton John, the footage of you LITTERING will undoubtedly get more coverage than a serial-killer on the loose)
  3. Baseless assumptions (Poor Michael Jackson had had to live with the stigma of being a narcissistic metro sexual male celebrity who betrayed his own race by turning white. I, of course, choose to believe that MJ was actually suffering from a weird skin disease and his nose-job was done because he broke his nose when he got involved in an accident while shooting a commercial that one time)
  4. Exposed to danger (I didn’t really write an example for this because I cannot figure out if there is any celebrity who had been kidnapped before or even had been CLOSE to being kidnapped)

I hope my English teacher takes the time to read my WHOLE essay rather than canceling out the part after the 351st word. She keeps saying that for Section B, we aren’t allowed to write more than 350 words! I tell you, sick or not! For all the Section B essays I have written my whole life, I have NEVER once NOT have that stupid zigzag line right after my 350th word. And so the evaluation for my essays all this while have always been only for HALF my essay! Doesn’t she understand that when a writer is on a roll she barely even has time to look at the time let alone LIMIT her words to 350??? What can you even SAY in 350 words??? I think the first two paragraphs in my essay already make up 350 words. -_-


But whatever la, I hope to obtain a GOOD A1 this time around because the last time I only got 80 for my English! (because of my summary I suck at summary I HATE summary wtf)

Goodnight. Ciao.

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