Friday, September 18, 2009


  1. NO MUSIC PLEASE. - Okay so it is fine if there is a certain song you like really much, and would like to share with the whole world, but don't let it play automatically. Let the reader browse through your blog WITHOUT interruption and then if he sees the music player and WOULD LIKE to listen to the song, he'll click it play on his own. Nobody likes to be reading something halfway and suddenly HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE! IS YOUR LOVE HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVEEEEE......! Get what I mean? And check this: It is easier for the reader to click the CLOSE button than to go find your music player to click it stop OR to reach out and turn off his speaker.
  2. BIG FONTS. - People don't like reading posts with squinty eyes. Chances are, they will decide that you have nothing good to say and they will LEAVE without even finishing the post! Because let's face it: BIG = GOOD. Eg. boobs, wallet, macadamia nut etc. So if your font is BIG enough, then readers are going to decide that Hmm there might be something good here...
  3. CUT THE EMO. - I think it is scientifically proven that people like reading funny stuff about someone rather than how the world is unfair and picking on said someone and said someone wishes he could die instead of living and WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?????????????
  4. DON'T TRY TOO HARD. - When you write, don't over do your language. Yes, you might be a very very good writer, but if the reader CANNOT understand such chim language, then what is even the point? Go light with your language so that readers FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE (not in the age sense, but by educational level) can relate to your post and UNDERSTAND you.
  5. LOTS AND LOTS OF PHOTOS. - Humans are lazy creatures. Instead of having to read the post word for word by themselves, they like being spoon-fed with pictures. Because, well, a picture speaks a thousand words!
  6. WRITE YOUR OWN POSTS. - DON'T PLAGIARISE. If you want someone to read something you found extremely interesting on the net, either review the whole thing over again in your own words, or provide a link. I personally find it rude to copy-paste someone's text into your blog and only leave a small-fonted credit at the end of the post. And then YOU get all the credits instead of the person who originally wrote it.
  7. USE PROPER ENGLISH. - This varies with interpretation. Some people think this type of English is good, some people think it sucks etc. The thing is, just write as how you speak it. That is the key. You don't have to be AWESOMELY good at English to be a good blogger, you just need to be REALLY good at delivering what you want to say.
  8. UPDATE.
  9. EMBRACE YOUR BLOG. - Be PROUD of what you write. Be your own fan! I swear! Keep regular updates of your profile pictures, instant messages, tweets etc. Let the readers know that YOU ARE ALIVE and EVOLVING. :D
  10. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL. - DO NOT CHANGE YOUR LINK. If you keep changing your link, people wouldn't be able to keep track of your identity, or your blog, even. You can call yourself OR or whatever, but DON'T CHANGE your link. PERIOD. That is why it is always a good idea to pick a link that you really like and most reflects you. Plus, if you want to get your blog fame to be spread by word of mouth, then you gotta choose a link that is easy to remember and SPELL.


.............."Hey I just came across this awesome blog!"

............. "Oh! What's the link? I wanna check it out!"

............. "It's"

............. "WTF?"



Kathlynn said...

*lol* this is a cute list! :)

Jo-Yee said...

thanks. ;)

[rin] said...

lols like "whaaa?"
interesting post^^

Jo-Yee said...

awww thanks. :D

Anonymous said...

What a great web log. I spend hours on the net reading blogs, about tons of various subjects. I have to first of all give praise to whoever created your theme and second of all to you for writing what i can only describe as an fabulous article. I honestly believe there is a skill to writing articles that only very few posses and honestly you got it. The combining of demonstrative and upper-class content is by all odds super rare with the astronomic amount of blogs on the cyberspace.