Friday, September 18, 2009

Movie outing + gruesome true story

Yesterday I went out with Cherrie, Sally and Mae Vin to watch Final Destination in 3D. We went there right after school, with our books and uniform and shoes (okay it's not true since Sally went to her parents' shop to leave her things there, Mae Vin passed her stuff to her sister, Cherrie went home before she joined us and I.....well, Sally's mum offered to help me keep my stuff first, except my school shoes because I didn't even WEAR school shoes to school yesterday because I stuck a plaster to my toe and pretended that it was injured so that I could wear my sandals instead!!! :D Smart not!!!).

Only to realise when we arrived at TGV Sunway Pyramid that the 3D movie would start at only 7.00pm. -_- Which was too late. ): So we had to watch the NORMAL one instead, without the 3D shades so Cherrie was really, really bummed. But I don't think she was that bummed anymore AFTER watching the movie because even without the 3D shades, it was already DAMN GRUESOME. So imagine if she had on the 3D shades, I think she might die.

Okay so, we aren't 18 yet so we had to LIE to buy the tickets and Cherrie (being the one who looks most conspicuously NOT 18) even went to the extent of FAKING her IC, by changing the 1992 to 1991. Haha. AWESOME NOT. But thankfully in the end she didn't need to use it since the cinema people didn't even check anyway. But it was sad in a way because we couldn't take advantage of the student rate. ): 10 bucks wey. SO expensive.

It's so ironic actually because after we bought our tickets we went to Kim Gary's to eat and when the bill came, the waiter asked if we had student IDs. I was like, "OH!" because NEVER in my life had someone ASKED for my student ID before because I had NEVER looked like a student my whole life. I really think I missed one section from my growth. Like, from a small child (that's why no one would ask for my student card because I was too young) I went straight to being this really mature looking person (that's why no one will ask for my STUDENT card either, because they mostly think that I have graduated). I missed the adolescent and teenage part of my life, so I have NEVER looked like a teenager before. Which is sad because isn't that supposed to be like the best part of someone's life? ):

Anyway, I was really shocked that the KG's waiter asked for my student ID (OKAY FINE he might have been asking either Cherrie or Mae Vin or Sally but LET ME LIVE MY DREAM CANNOT mer?????) so I told him that our school was not like a private school and so we didn't have student IDs but we swear we were students! But in the end he said sorry, no student ID no 5% discount. Shoot! So as we were walking out of the place I purposefully flirted (because he was kind of a cutie) and said, "SO stingy. Next time we come back here, MUST remember to bring our SPM books okay girls?" And the poor boy was all, "It's not my fault!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA COMEL.

So ironic right. At the cinema we had to hide all traces that we were students but in KG's we were BEGGING (well, sort of) them to believe we were students. Haha. :D

FINAL DESTINATION was AWESOME. Okay so, it was kind of predictable and short and fake and coincidental, but it was a really REALLY good movie because there wasn't even a PART in the movie that we could sit still! ANYTHING could happen in the movie and we kept fidgeting and moving about and grabbing each other in our seats! Haha. The director of the movie is awesome. It's like he knows the psychological works of our minds or something. Haha. :D

But it was damn interesting AND embarrassing because there was one part where the guy and the girl are at this really dark place and SUDDENLY from behind, a HAND taps their shoulder and Cherrie, having been caught TOTALLY off guard, SHOUTED so shrilly and loudly that her voice rang around the cinema! And the WORSE part? SHE WAS THE ONLY WHO SCREAMED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So after that I wanted to go buy bra but then no size fit. HAHAHAHAHA I AM JOKING it's just that I was too lazy to keep trying and trying so in the end I decided not to buy. When I was on my way home, my aunt (who was in the car with my Mum when she came to fetch me) told my Mum a story of her neighbour who recently died in a freak car accident.

He worked at the type of place where if your car breaks down you're supposed to call and get them to come and pull your car (I don't know what it's called. Haha. :D). Apparently, on that fateful day, someone called because his car broke down. So this guy, my aunt's neighbour was getting ready to go and everything but his colleagues kind of warned him not to, and said let someone else do it or something. But my aunt's neighbour just when ahead and gone.

When they say, Malang tak berbau, it's really true because COINCIDENTALLY, there was a drunk driver around that area who lost control of his car and collided HEAD-ON with my aunt's neighbour's CAR! And my aunt's neighbour, his jaw kind of hit the steering wheel and was crushed badly and both his legs were broken and disjointed from his body and everything and he died right on the spot!

Oh gosh, I feel so terrible now. My aunt's neighbour who died left behind his wife and two small children who up til now even, haven't known about their father's death.

Isn't it just TERRIBLE? Like all of sudden someone you know and LOVE, even, is GONE from the world. Like you're never going to hear his laughter again, never going to TALK to him again, never going to be able to tell him about your experience in school, never going to SEE him again or touch him. It is the most terrible feeling in the world, losing someone.

It just goes to show really, that accidents can happen at ANYTIME and it is quite cliched but TRUE to ALWAYS ALWAYS take good care of yourself and the people you love. When you said, "Take care." to your friends and family when you were leaving for school or whatever, tell me, when were the times you actually MEANT them, and not only said that as a custom?

Really, think about it. When you tell someone to take care, do you really worry that they are not eating enough, or not looking left-right-left when they cross the street, not deboning their fish properly when they eat it? Most of the time we say take care is because it is a nice thing to do, and NOT because we actually MEAN for them to take care. It's sad, but it's the truth, isn't it?

So really, beginning from now I will start to be EXTRA careful with everything and instead of constantly reminding people I care about to take care, I will try to take care of them myself and erm, MAKE SURE that they are doing exactly that: Taking care of themselves.

Because I don't want to lose anyone I love and care about. It sounds selfish, but I really don't want that to happen. I don't think I will be able to take the loss.


3 comments: said...

nanged u! No NUDE in Malaysia? nang this to read more, thanks! nang me!

JenKin Yat said...

buy bra wtf =_________=

Jo-Yee said...

haha. cannot buy bra one mer? :p