Friday, March 13, 2009


Okay for those other bananas out there (what others? I am NOT a banana okay? I can speak perfect Mandarin and I can even READ 老夫子 okay??? I know la my pronunciation is abit off but at least I understand the language okay? And for the last time I do NOT only look at the comic pictures in 老夫子, I READ READ READ the Chinese words!!! D: D: D:) you are probably wondering what the heck those three little Chinese characters mean.

Those three words mean I am VERY TIRED. Yes that is exactly what they mean, and what I am feeling right now. I feel so exhausted I want to die. Everytime I do something that I'm not supposed to do (considering March's almost over and I haven't even started pasting the Canteen tables with information, something I am not suposed to do basically constitutes as EVERYTHING except preparing for my stupid Khidmat Masyarakat 3 Bulan. I'm serious, I can't even go to the toilet without feeling like I am wasting time), I feel so stressed up and then all I want to do is just go to my bed and sleep for all eternity and not wake up.

Plus, school's putting alot of pressure on us 2009 SPM candidates right now because surprisingly (sorry Seniors. :P) the 2008 girls did VERY well in their SPM and the school's statistics and percentage shit shot up like 20% or so compared to last year. So it is only natural that the next year should be better than the previous and so if us 2009 bitches don't shag up at least another 21% in increment this year, we can probably kiss our good image goodbye.

I mean, I am totally going to work my ass off for SPM, that's for sure, but you will never be able to predict what might turn out to be your results right? Or more specifically what will be asked in the SPM papers. Humans are always changing so who's to say that those who compose the questions for the 2009 SPM won't consign a little diversity to the papers this time around? So we can't exactly depend on spotting the questions, we might actually need to STUDY everything in the textbook now (oh God all of a sudden I feel nauseated) and I haven't even started. Cherrie's got a good point you know, "Even if we study one chapter everyday starting from now, we still won't be able to cover up the whole Form 4 and 5 syllabus." So can somebody please shoot me now thank you very much.

Anyways, enough about boring stuff. I've got a very juicy gossip I would like to share here. Okay so I know that it is not very nice to gossip about people behind their backs or whatever (heck so gossiping in FRONT of someone is good is it), and I'll try to be as unbiased as possible in my report because well, generally I kind of am on ONE of their sides. Though of course while reporting I'll try to stay on the fence as firmly as possible. :D

Okay so Miss Chemistry and Miss Biology are both holding extra classes as I have said, right? If you regularly visit my blog you will know la. So coincidentally, they both chose the same day to hold their classes, which is on Tuesday, 17 March 2009. So the announcement first came from Miss Chemistry, and then a few days later Miss Biology told us that her classes (she shagged up two days remember? IF YOU READ MY BLOG la) will be on both Monday AND Tuesday. So both Chemistry and Biology will clash!!!!! (five exclamation points for effect)

We students were very confused as to which class we were supposed to attend and honestly, I thought the teachers were going to settle this on their own. But noooo. They left it at that, neither refused to take a step back and give in. Okay to my opinion, I think Miss Biology should have cancelled her class on Tuesday since she would already have one day of her own (Monday), so that at least Chemistry would have one day. But Miss Biology, being the selfish type of person she is DID NOT want to give in.

So in the end, Miss Chemistry said that her extra class is cancelled and we are free to attend Biology on Tuesday. Seriously, I am feeling very aggravated right now because WHO ON EARTH WAS THE ONE WHO HAD APPROVED these requests made by these two teachers to hold extra classes in the first place? Did she NOT see that there were DATES that clashed? Shouldn't she HAVE been a little more OBSERVANT and ATTENTIVE in her responsibility in granting approval to these requests and MADE SURE that the dates did NOT clash?

Seriously, I think the person to be blamed of this is totally the person of authority, whoever she is. If she had been a little more efficient in her job, this wouldn't have happened. Also, this incident totally sheds some light on who's the selfish one in our school. I mean, these two teachers work together, they are COLLEAGUES, so shouldn't they both be nice to each other? Instead of waiting for the opposing party to give in, couldn't they have sat down and discussed things over? They are being so childish okay? At least one of them is (cos in the end one did give in but the other? Sheeeesh. D: D: D:).

Politics are so complicated and exhausting I tell you. I initially thought of taking up Linguistics course in college so that I can help in interpreting different languages during international meetings between Malaysia and other countries but then realising how big a responsibility that actually is, and also the fact that I will automatically be involved in national politics, I quickly withdrew my idea and decided to settle for Psychology instead.

The thing is, both Lisgusitics and Psychology are more of my passion and interest rather than my future career options, you get what I mean? I want to study Psychology but I don't want to be a Psychologist (well, at least I don't think I want to). I only want to know how emotions work, why people act this way and so on so on and that's really about all that interests me. I don't see Psychologist as a career option for me. At least, yet. And for Lingusitics, I want to learn various types of languages just to learn them. For the fun and satisfaction of actually knowing how to converse in many different languages, that's all.

So basically that translates into how big a failure I am, for not having even decided what I want to pursue academically despite only having like one year or so left before the time when I actually have to decide. But I guess what matters most right now is my SPM so I guess I'll leave the rest for later frustration.


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Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Babe it's alright, I didn't really decide what I wanted to do until halfway through my Form 5 year. And neither did Eric. Take it easy, explore your options, and if you want advice from your two only college/uni-going cousins on your mom's side, you can always ask. Eric might be able to share his experiences and hardships in finding out his true calling (and I say true calling since he did me so proud during his SPM and College midterms). You can always ask me for program and course pathways is you'd like.

Here's some advice. Since you're such a bright student and one of the prides of our family *nudge nudge* I assume you have no troubles scoring scholarships (not only do you get A's, you're active in co-curricular activities, plus you got spunk that any employer and interviewer would fall in love with). So I suggest you look into minoring in something whilst you major in something else. Usually government universities will allow you to do this, better option: GO OVERSEAS (you can do it, SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP), and they have a hige range of things you can minor or elective on.

Linguistics is one thing (should be really fun, I at one point wanted to do this) but if you want to be an ambassador, you're gonna have to take the courses I'm minoring for now.


Level 1 subjects (beginner) - Understanding World Politics and Introduction to International Relations. Don't get me wrong, this is very interesting stuff, and I'm really glad I chose this over Performing Arts. You might want to look at it if you're interested in World History (especially in terms of war and diplomatic relations). If you're interested in Linguistics alone, then you can be a translator, for books, or television shows (which still fits you in Communication, Media programs).

If you wanna do Psychology but don't want to do it too detailed and end up being a shrink, you can major in something else (Biochemistry and whatever), you can minor in Psychology as well. Though when you go out into the world it'll prolly have nothing to do with Biochemistry. Things that can be related to Psychology are things like Education, Child Development, Communication, Human Behavior, Philosophy, Moral Studies and even Marketing.

When you pick minors, you're gonna have two dilemmas like I did. One, "My mom's paying so much for me to be here, why not choose something that has more relevance to my future field of work?" and "I'm here, and I have a minor to choose, why not pick something that I've always wanted to do and in a way won't affect my major?"

I wanted to pick Drama in Performing Arts. It's something that I really wanted to do since....forever (don't tell my mom please?), but I opted for dilemma 1 instead. My other friends thought otherwise and picked things like Japanese and French studies. It's really up to you. Think about your future, what you really want to do, and how you're gonna do it.

Why I didn't pick Performing Arts or Digital/Graphic Animation? Because in Malaysia, I wouldn't be able to make money. Things like that also come into play. But if you wanna follow your passion then....


Jo-Yee said...

Thanks! Especially about the erm, I dunno how to explain the part, but it's this one:

"Education, Child Development, Communication, Human Behavior, Philosophy, Moral Studies and even Marketing."

I didn't know there were so many things to psychology. These are really what I want to study (minus Marketing), especially Human Behaviour, Child Development and Communication. (:

Don't really understand what is Philosophy though.....

Can study one a?

Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Great! At least you have a general idea of what you want to do!

I find Philosophy quite interesting (but I didn't take it because it's pretty heavy). If you want to take Education (as in you want to be a teacher) but not in a Maktab Perguruan government teacher kinda way (as in you actually want a real degree that qualifies you to teach anywhere and not just Malaysian government schools), you might have to take Philosophy, I don't know. I know Charlene's taking Child Education and she took it.

Philosophy (in Wikipedia definition) is the study of general problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, justice, validity, mind, and language. So people like Aristotle, Hippocrates, Niccholo Machiavelli and Plato come in to mind.

How heavy it is, I saw in Charlene's books before. Things like: You offer cattle to a God as an offering because you want to acknowledge that your God is holy and sacred, and in a way does that make the cattle, a creature that was born the same as any other on earth, holy and sacred as well. Most of the time nothing to do with religion, but it's pretty weirded out stuff. Lol.