Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holiday My Ass.

Okay I am pissed. I know that the teachers are doing all this for our own good but still. I DON'T like having to come to school during the holidays, much less having to SIT down and listen to teachers teaching a subject for FOUR whole hours continuously!

Seriously, I know this is for our SPM and we need the extra studies yadda yadda yadda but still! Four whole hours straight for all three Science subjects! That is like 12 hours per holiday! Oh no wait, I just remembered, our Miss Biology shagged up two days for extra classes so that is like EIGHT hours of BIOLOGY per week! I forgot straight too! Oh my God. Just because she is a boring person who has nothing to do during the holidays anyway DOES NOT MEAN that we are just the same too! Hello, we kids actually have lives you know?

Sheeeeesh. At least Chemistry and Physics only have four hours each so it is not so - WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? I am still pissed okay? I was supposed to be using this week long holiday, during which my SEVENTEEN BIRTHDAY takes place, to relax and catch up with my other work (like incomplete homework, Khidmat Masyarakat 3 Bulan, GIRL GUIDE LOG BOOKS etc etc etc) but no, I now have to forsake all that just to attend FOUR days of Science classes. I won't mind so much if they just assigned us loads and loads of homework (what, actually I do mind since I already have two teachers doing that - Mrs English and Mrs BM, but still!) to do in the comfort of my home and not having to fret over TRANSPORTATION problem to go to school!

Oh my God I just realised! Transportation! Since it's the school holidays my usual driver would be having her off day (not the real type of chauffeur kay? Just those hair curler-wearing Aunties who drive cars which air-conditioners are always suspiciously broken) so I have no one to send me to school! Okay so you guys must be thinking I am rejoicing in the happiness that I at least have an excuse to skip these three - no FOUR classes but I'm not! The thing is, when I started just now I was in my bitching mode, because I overslept today (no not early in the morning before going to school la. You kan saw me at school just now, stupid question) cos instead of taking a TWO hour nap, as I was supposed to, I slept like for FIVE HOURS. Serious! I dropped onto my bed at four this afternoon and then I was dead to the world until like nine o'clock just now.

So I have wasted three hours of my day today and that is like 1/8 of my 24 hours okay? I can do alot in 1/8 of the day (homework, homework, homework) but I just let it go wasted because of my stupid nap. Okay I admit my nap was very blissful, no interruptions in between (no there was actually; Cherrie sent me a message asking me what homework Puan Yong gave and I was like HOW WOULD I KNOW I DON'T EVEN TAKE HER TUITION Zzzzz...) but now I feel super guilty and bad. Not for being pissed at Cherrie's message but because I wasted three hours today. And then realising I am typing makes me feel even worse and guiltier because not only have I just thrown away my three hours I am here now BLOGGING instead of utilising the time to do my homework. Or at least take my shower because I haven't done that since I came back from school. (Cos like I said, I fell onto bed and was dead to the world until like five hours later)

Okay no wait, what was I saying before I got distracted by my sleep cycle? Oh! I just scrolled up and checked: TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM. So now besides having to mourn over the extra classes I have to worry about how I am going to even go to school in the first place to mourn over said extra classes. Both Mummy and Sister, my cab drivers la, are working cos since they aren't students, they don't get 9-day holidays. But then this is NOT even holiday since we have so much work to do. Even MORE than usual school days heck I'd rather be going to school.

Okay I was lying. At least during the holidays I wouldn't have to wake up at freaking 6 in the morning (6.09 am actually since Sony Ericsson phones have this button that snoozes nine minutes which I never fail to press everytime stupid Tyson Ritter starts singing, "Yesterday was hell but today I'm fine without you~..." (my alarm tone la) and so I am always nine minutes late. :P) or even iron my uniform since now my maid has gone home. (speaking of which, it seems as if all house chores are thrown at me right now. Just because I happen to be back at home two hours earlier than you other residents of this house, DOES NOT mean that I have more time to spend kay? Didn't you hear I just wasted 1/8 of my day on nap time???)

Sheeeesh. Okay actually, I'm not quite that mad at my Science teachers for holding these extra classes during the holidays. I mean, I understand. They are only trying to help us. Because while we are complaining of having to come to school even during the holidays, well, aren't the teachers doing the same too? They could be in their sweats cycling around the neighbourhood or sewing sweaters for their husbands (exempted for Miss Biology because rumour has it that she's single and plans to stay that way for life) or whatever it is teachers do these days but they decide to use the ample time they have instead to teach us. It's like, working on an off day if you think about it. And they're not even getting paid extra!

So, actually I'm really grateful that they're holding these classes so we 2009 SPM candidates should really take the advantage and pay attention or even just attend these classes since they're free kan? And I want nothing more in my life right now than straight As for my SPM so I will do whatever it takes to overcome my transportation problem and be there for those classes kay teachers? :D :D :D Don't worry la, like what Pastor Kevin says, "Don't be so calculative. If someone asks you to do this, just do it." :) So I'll just do it.

But I beg you in the name of all that is holy to please NOT have any classes on Wednesday of the holiday week because that is a very important date to a certain someone whose name shall not be mentioned here. Having to sit for FOUR hours in the lab studying the same subject on that particular day might just crush her spirits to continue living. JOKING la she's not so childish and naive kay. But still. It is a very important day to her and there should not be anything, particularly EXTRA CLASSES stopping her from having fun on said day - Oh my God please don't let BIOLOGY take up said day or she might just die of boredom and disappointment.

Okay so I guess that is long enough a post for today (but I believe no posts can be too long actually, just like how you can never be too rich but whatever) because I seriously need to go bathe and then tackle my homework cos I think I have like five graphs due for Math and one whole essay question for Physics which I was supposed to hand in yesterday. I know Miss Physics and Mr Math are nice people and they will not scold me for handing in my work late but I guess that is just the way they reverse psychology cos if anything, I am feeling super guilty right now for not completing my assignments.

So I gotta go! It's already eleven and I only have like one hour left to do all that if I wanna get at least six hours and nine minutes of sleep tonight. I know you're thinking, "She already had five hours of nap just now and she wants another six hours and nine minutes? How greedy can people be?" but I WANT those hours kay? So stop nosing into people's business on whether or not they want eleven hours and nine minutes of sleep per day or I swear I'll eat you up. D: D: D: But then I guess you are forgivable since you can't see these purple bags under my eyes because trust me, if you see them I bet you would want to thrust me into a 10-year sleep just to see my eyes look normal again.


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Anonymous said...

hahahaha!!!!! jo yee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you totally write out my mind!!!!!!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!! exactly exactly super duper exactly the same man!!!!!!!! hahah!!!so funnei~!~!~haha.. I monday,tuesday,wednesday and thursday also got le....dei..i also got the same thot as u for tat i'll prefer the normal scoling days if since so...n den changed my mind the next minute..haha...XD...
anyway gambateh ba....

Jo-Yee said...

hahaha. I think all SPMers also feel this way. angry but guilty. hahahah :D