Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Whatever Miss Biology.....

Okay. I have never been so embarassed ever in my life. (okay maybe I have, that time I OH MY GOD I'm NOT going to tell you about that!!! *BLUSHES*) I mean, maybe it served me right, for violating the student's dress code for school. But the blame can't be entirely on me right, since it was not an official school day?

Okay, so today I went for the extra class for Biology. Cherrie and I had decided to wear our Band Tees to class, because later on we were going to Glad Tidings Assembly for a little seminar called Sex & Sensibility. So I wore my Simple Plan Band Tee, because it was black and I thought it wouldn't be so visible to Miss Biology that it was not school attire, but I forgot that she's got like laser eyes and nothing ever misses her.

So yea, went to school, in Simple Plan and SHORTS, and then I realised most of the girls were in either their school uniforms or sports attire. Even Cherrie was wearing her sports T-shirt. Okay honestly, I felt very cheated at first, because we had both promised to wear our Band Tees. But it's okay cos she did text me to warn me beforehand that "Everyone's wearing school uniform." but to me, there wasn't a tiny weeny part in that text message that mentioned that she was not wearing her Band Tee. And besides, I was already out of the house when I got the message, so what could I do?

But whatever. Apparently, some girl was assigned to tell the class that we were only allowed to wear our school uniforms to the extra class but surprise, surprise, I was not in class at that time (is it just me or do bad stuff always seem to happen to me?). So I missed the message (as usual). So we all got a totally useless and good-for-nothing lecture from Miss Biology and then half an hour was wasted. A good half hour that she could have used to teach us more useful stuff like vertebrae or whatever it is that we were supposed to be learning today (but missed because of her stupid nagging) was just like that, *snap* WASTED. I mean, come on, she could have just went, "I DON'T want to see you girls in anything BUT your school uniform tomorrow, HEAR ME?" and dismissed us and started class early. But no, she had to have her usual lecture, suggesting that we were being disrespectful, inofficial, immature, yadda yadda yadda and then we had to stand there for like twenty minutes while she blabbed on and on...
HELLO. Woman. If we had KNOWN that we were supposed to wear our uniform OF COURSE we would have worn them instead la. God, she didn't have to waste so much of our time lecturing you know. But I guess that's her hobby that's why she couldn't resist doing it.

When we came for extra classes last year for Chemistry and Physics, we did NOT have to wear our school uniforms okay??? We wore our sports attire. Or any black T-shirts. That was why most of us thought it was OKAY to not wear our school uniforms. Plus who would WANT to iron their uniforms when it's the HOLIDAYS??? I don't know why Miss Biology's so fussy and lebih (probably explains why she's suspected to still be a virgin (despite her age: I think she's about 5 decades old HAHAHAHA using that word makes her sound so ancient :P), or probably she took the Virgin Vow (I vow to only give away my virginity to my spouse to whom I have pledged my eternal love yadda yadda yadda) like what Pastor Victor made us take today in GTA but odds are on the former) but whatever la, we're young and we should respect her because she's old. OOOOPS I mean because she's senior. :P


One last thing before I go:

My 17th Birthday is in less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD


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RAIDAH :) said...

rules are made to be broken anyway, hehe, u r now one of the fifth formers, take control of the school before u leave. :)

Jo-Yee said...

hahahahaha! true tur! but then there are form sixs here! ): but they are wayyy to passive to rule the school so us form fives will domonate SMK(P)Beekay anyway! :P :P :P