Friday, March 20, 2009


In complete justification and support to my previous posts about how lebih Miss Biology is, here is what happened in Physics class today:

Okay, I will start before Physics class.

I was reading The Princess Diaries Book 10 (before you go judging what type of a girl I am, because I know it is common knowledge that anything associated with the word 'princess' constitutes as girly, all I have to say is no, I am NOT girly thank you very much and also, don't judge a book by its cover. Or title, as the case may be because TPD is actually a very witty and amusing series and so so much more entertaining than your lame high school drama stories like in One Tree Hill and The O.C.) and I couldn't put the book down (though if you ask me, the 10th book is less addictive in comparison to the previous 9) eventhough it was already 5am in the MORNING.
Physics class was supposed to start at 8am and there I was, rolling in bed, drenched in sweat (curse you stupid Malaysian weather and TNB for charging electricity usage so high so I am not allowed to use the air-cond) until I finally decided I HAD to get some sleep at least or I will CONFIRM fall asleep in class the next day (highly likely due to the fact that having taken a random personality quiz, I have been confirmed to be more of the artistic and articulate type as opposed to the mathematical type (but I love Math!) and so I actually find Physics extremely BORING) and disappoint Miss Physics (whose resounding voice and scary austerity is the only reason I managed to stay conscious during so many Physics classes in the past).

So in the end I went to bed at about 5.01am after receiving a totally unappealing text message and then before I knew it stupid Tyson Ritter (oh I changed my alarm tone!) Take That were singing "You light the skies up above me....~" and I had to wake up for Physics class. Okay so of course I didn't wake up immediately, I hit the snooze button for like ten thousand times and then in the end I dragged myself out of bed at 7.30am. So the journey from my house to school takes up already 15 minutes so I was sure I was going to be late. But I DIDN'T care because my sleep is VERY important (when compared to Physics class it is, but not when compared to reading TPD. Teehee :D) to me.

So I texted Cherrie and told her to pass the message to Miss Physics that I would be arriving abit late. So I reached school at about 8.15am. And Miss Physics casually greeted me and told me to get to my seat WITHOUT even a modicum of intention to lecture me (unlike some teachers I could mention). I was late for class and not only did she not question my tardiness, she merely ushered me to my seat all KINDLY. CAN THERE BE A NICER TEACHER I ASK YOU? CAN THERE??? CAN THERE?????

And I haven't even mentioned about my attire. I was wearing knee-length shorts, one which looked distictively not school attire, and my hair was up in a chopstick. You know, like the way those Japanese people curl up their hair and then stab their heads which a stick? Okay wrong way to explain, but you know what I mean.

So I had like a red chopstick sticking out at the back of my head and Miss Physics actually commented on it and called it 'chio'. I know. She is damn cute kan? Super love her. (: Then at the end of the day after class dismissed, everyone was hugely satisfied with the extra class because of Miss Physics's light and friendly demeanour when she taught and not at all sulky (or breathing big sighs of relief) like they did when Miss Biology dismissed her extra class the other day.

So you see. If you start off something with a light and happy way chances are it is going to end that way too. Why start your class lecturing (not to mention USELESS stuff) and then have it end with the students learning about NOTHING but your inordinate ability to waste time? Wouldn't the class have mattered more if you had just eliminated your calculativeness for ONCE in your life and spared the students of your nagging so that they could actually LEARN something useful (like vertebrae)?

Like what Pastor Kevin says, "People, stop being so calculative." Just try for one day, just ONE day of your life, whenever you feel the urge to complain about something or someone, tell yourself, "Okayla, I won't be so calculative." and then just let it be. You'd be surprised at how easy that is to be accomplished and then ultimately you'd realise what a simple and happy day you'd have. And then as you go on with this routine, you'll become a very open-minded person and life would turn out to be extremely happy and blissful!

So, try that people and you'll know what I mean. Also, we all know habits are hard to break but damn easy to be developed. So no excuses okay? :D :D :D

PS> But then I guess my typing this post actually constitues as complaining about Miss Biology as well so I'm also actually still a very calculative person.

PPS>> This is the last time. Promise! I will stop complaining and start letting things be from now on! I really want to listen to Pastor Kevin because he's damn hot Xin Yi's opinion, not mine what he says is actually very true. (:


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