To be completely honest, I think the Pecutan Akhir SPM my school is having is UTTER bullshit.
So okay, we all know that BM is very important and if you fail that subject you fail SPM and everything but is it really necessary to take up FOUR WHOLE DAYS just to revise the subject?
I know the percentage shot up like 10% or something eversince the school started PAS, but seriously, don't you think that it is kind of STUPID to just concentrate FOUR WHOLE DAYS on ONE SUBJECT?
Okay so, PAS is actually a four-day revision thing for BM, where we will be given BM exam papers to do and discuss right on the spot. No other subjects, only BM. BM. FOUR DAYS.
Shouldn't they do some analysis on each student and see if they really need this PAS or not? Like, if let's say I am getting A1s for BM but Es for Add Math, shouldn't the school prepare PAS for ADD MATHS TOO?????
I know this stupid PAS is beneficial to those kids who are not so good in BM, but what about those who have been scoring quite well for the subject??? Isn't it a little bit unfair that they have to waste FOUR DAYS doing BM, when they could have utilised the FOUR DAYS doing independent studying at home??????????????????????????????
I seriously do not understand this.
What they should do is:
- Get the average score for BM of EACH SPM student throughout the year, and whoever has got 65% and below, should be made compulsory to attend PAS.
- The remaining kids should be given the choice to either attend PAS, or stay at home to do independent studying.
- Better still, hold PAS for ALL SUBJECTS and not only BM. So those who are bad at whatever subject, can actually benefit from this.
I know the school is doing all this for our own good and they only have our best interests at heart, but you ask yourself la, logic meh?
Some kids have TUITION after school, so they really need the extra time to study. But now since they are forced to do BM for FOUR WHOLE SCHOOL DAYS, and then TUITION after school, how are they going to find time to study for OTHER SUBJECTS? Which, actually, needs MORE studying than BM??????? (Example Chemistry, Biology, Physics, SEJARAH etc)
I cannot stand this injustice. I CANNOT.
I have been wearing my new cardigans to school these few days and people have been asking me, "Oh my God, Jo-Yee are you feeling very cold?????" or, "Why are you wearing that? It is bloody hot!" (courtesy Pn Kang) or, "Are you cold? You better get well soon, it's exam!"
I smiled my reply and quickly walked away because I didn't think my actual reason(s) for wearing the cardigan would be well received in school terms:
- I wasn't feeling cold, but I just wanted to show off my new cardigans. (Pn Juliet saw through me! :D)
- I have gained weight and my pinafore can no longer clasp so I had to shield the gap. EMBARRASSING! -__-
- I always forget to iron my white shirt until the morning before school so I had to cover the wrinkles from being seen! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Pathetic or not. Adioh! ;)