Monday, July 5, 2010


I made a mental note to call Cherrie yesterday night to wish her the infinite of luck for her new school day at Cempaka International School but I FORGOT!!!

And kenape I forgot?

Because I was too busy uploading the stupid Cherating photos!!! Not to mention BLOGGING about it afterwards!!!

Oh my God, if you ever come close to thinking that making me your best friend is a good idea, then I suggest you to think again and pick a piece of cheese instead.

I am a bad BAD BAD BAD friend.

I don't understand why Cherrie still wants to be friends with me though, must be because I always lend her my eyeliner bought from Elianto...


Cherrie is currently in her new apartment now all the way in Damansara (I think)! She is now in her very nice room (according to her! Hmpf! - I am just jealous) waiting for her wardrobe to arrive so that she can unpack her stuff lol

But that silly girl I don't know what is wrong with her HOW can she make such a mistake I tell you I feel like strangling her everytime I think about the fact that:


I don't understand WHY WHY WHY she didn't bring it there, because CHERRIE! If you don't bring it there how are you going to survive the night??? It is not like you have homework anyway, since it is only the first day of class??? (or maybe JPA sponsored A-Levels students have homework on the first day of class? I wouldn't know, obviously, since I am not one)

Sheeesh. I am so mad at her.

How am I going to contact her now? (sms very slow phone calls very ma fan plus I WANT WEBCAM I WANT TO SEE HER ROOM!) How am I going to give constructive comments on how she is supposed to decorate her new room?

How am I supposed to pester her to bring the billboard of my photos and hers that I've given to her for her birthday last year and hang it on the wall directly above her bed so that she can gaze at me longingly every single night before going to sleep???

I tell you, that girl needs a nice clean smack on her butt lah!

How am I going to pretend I am one of the elite JPA-sponsored students if I cannot even pretend that I am in the same room with her (since she got no laptop thus no WEBCAM)???

Some more, besides all these childish reasons, I seriously want to know why she didn't bring her laptop???!!??? I mean, isn't it supposed to be a NECESSITY?

I tell you, if it were me, I'd have left my luggage of clothes at home than forget to bring my laptop. My Dell is an ESSENTIAL in my life. I CANNOT live without it.

In fact, screw men. I wanna marry my Dell.


I am very happy for Cherrie because she has been waiting for this for a long time already.

I think I should mention that it is the same for me as well, not the part to have Cherrie separated from me, but the part about having her stay in KL in her own apartment (okay lah, own room nia. Wait. Not even room. She's sharing with another person. Whatever lah still fun) so I can trash her place every weekend or something!

Although sadly Cherrie was told that visitors are forbidden from entering the premises but I don't care lah, I'll just put on my big big black plastic frame geeky specs and wear slacks and office blouse and pretend I'm one of them JPA-sponsored students and sneak into the place.


I cannot wait to hear about EVERYTHING that will revolve around Cherrie's life from now on! SO EXCITING!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Before I go, one last time: WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING YOUR LAPTOP TO CEMPAKA CHERRIE???!?!?!?

Thank you so much for reading me ramble aimlessly and uselessly about my best friend.

I think that ought to give you a vague idea about how boring a life I have.


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