Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I really need to...

...be a little nicer to my mum sometimes. lol

You would think that coming from a single-parent family, I would be damn close to my Mum and will treat her very nicely and with alot of love and affection.

But that is not entirely true loh. For instance, the fact that I am so close to my mum is also the reason why I behave very impolitely and disrespectfully around her, because it feels as if she is as close to me as my age!

But I admit I don't intentionally behave so rudely around her lah, it's just that I'm so used to being like this ever since I was young. I'm not saying that I'm ALWAYS like this big bitch with my Mum, but mostly I never think about her as a figure that I should purposefully respect anymore than I should a normal human being. Hehe.

I know I am a bad daughter lah. But my mum loves me anyway so who cares lah haha I am just bad at times usually I'm quite ok one please!

But I can't help to wonder what it would be like if the circumstances were reversed and I'm my mum and my mum is me. Would I be able to tolerate such a brat of a daughter?

Doubtful, considering the very mean things I do...

Some totally bad-daughter stuff that I've recently done that I can remember:

1) When my mum asked if Dad had given me any pocket money, I moodily answered her that I would give her back the money I owed her and could she please stop keep asking about MONEY all the time?

And then I realised after that that she was only asking me to make sure if I had enough money to spend or not, and if I didn't she wanted to give me some!!!

I know!!! I should be sent to bad-daughter hell right!!! I am so mean and presumptuous!!!

But then money is a very sensitive issue between my mum and I and my dad so you cannot really blame me right???

Ok you can. Sorry mummy.


2) I woke up from my nap yesterday and mum was busy scurrying around bearing small cups of chinese tea to be served to the Gods in our house since it was the first day of the month. When she saw that I'd finally woken up from my beauty sleep, she passed a few cups to me and nicely asked if I could help her place them at the altar outside the house. Then, as the moron of a daughter I am, I grumbled at her for being so insensitive as to ask me to do her a favour the first thing after I woke up!!!

Then she grabbed those cups back from me and said, "Fine. I'll do it myself," and walked away. At that time, I didn't feel guilty but just damn pissed because for some fucked up reason, I thought that I was not wrong for behaving like that because since I just woke up from a sleep, I should be excused from doing any work, however simple it was.

So I angrily stepped into my room and locked the doors and tried to continue sleeping, only I couldn't because I slept for like freaking 4 hours straight can???

And then I realised that I was the one who had been really insensitive because mum had just got back from a LONG DAY OF WORK and had to do all that praying stuff RIGHT after, and there I was complaining about having to do such a simple thing as bringing the cups to the front when I just WOKE UP FROM A SLEEP. FOUR HOUR ONE NO LESS.

Geez. I am so disgusting.


3) I can't think of the third one right now, but I'm pretty sure there are some bad things that I've done recently besides these two.

I am such a bad daughter don't you think? I don't even understand why sometimes my mum still loves me. If I were my mum, I'd sent me to military school since young and let me suffer until I'm finally 21 only to let me return to the normal life of a young girl to find out that, since I'm from the military I'd be all gruff and tomboyish, so no boys would like me either because my hair's all scruffy and short or my skin's too oily and tanned.

lol I'm so evil.

But seriously lah, I do love my mum. She is nice to me. And to other people lah. Sometimes it's her attitude that I cannot stand but nobody's perfect right? I mean, I also got bad attitudes lah, like, I like to scold people over the most petty things, and I always think that I am very beautiful when I'm not etc etc...

So guys, appreciate your mums ok! I mean, if she isn't doing any bad things to you lah. If she's bad, and like a REALLY EVIL mother, then call the police to catch her k! Cos even though she gave birth to you, if she's mean, you have to protect yourself mah! Just because you came out from her body doesn't mean she can hit you all she likes! (talking about evil mums as in abusive mums here)

Okay enough already.

Chuz. Yes I know I am a very bad daughter.


Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Hahaha I guess it depends? Every family is different. At graduation, all our moms were present in Adelaide. My mom particularly noticed that Jacqkie, amongst all of us, loves her mom the most, and her mom is a single mom, or to put it correctly, a widow. I guess her rationale is that since dad is gone, she needs to pick up some of the baggage he left behind, including taking care and loving mom.

Your mom needs some lovin' too. :) Especially since she's still holding on to your dad (or vice versa). Oh interesting read in Jacqkie's blog:


Anonymous said...

joyee, will be good girl ya~be ur mummy's little good gal:)

Anonymous said...

Jo yee, infact i have gone through this all the time. I know, after waking up from sleep that's the feeling. But sit down for a moment and think about your mother's workload alright? and how is she supporting you alone? Some things we need to do despites all those sufferings we need to go through.