Sunday, July 4, 2010

I am back from Cherating!!!

Hello everyone! I am finally back from Cherating!!!

But basically it's not even a Cherating trip since we ended up going to a few places.

Cherating, in Pahang and we also went to Terengganu! Naim's hometown! =DDDDD

I am feeling damn lazy to blog about it now, because even uploading the photos to Facebook takes FOREVER, so I'll just leave BLOGGING about it for another time la hehe

Well, overall I had alot of fun during the trip and I came to realise alot of things.

Such as:
1) Men are such liars.
2) Men are such losers.
3) Men are such users.

4) Men act according to their lust
5) Men should not be trusted

6) Do not ever fall in love
7) Absence makes the heart grow fonder
8) Men are selfish people
9) Men have weird mood swings
10) Do not keep your hopes high when it comes to men because you're gonna get hurt more that way

So after coming back from this refreshing and very realisation-filled trip, I vow never to fall in love again, or allow myself to fall in love again, unless you know, it's TRULY the right guy.

1) Guys who are single
2) Guys you can meet up with easily

3) Guys who really, really, truly LOVE you
4) Guys who CAN DRIVE
5) Guys who do not ignore your calls or messages

6) Guys who will find ways to call you even when their phones are out of credit
7) Guys who appreciate you

You see. There are so many reasons to look out for when you decide to fall in love. Because it's not easy to fall in love with someone.

And when you have fallen in love with this person, but in the end you both HAVE TO break up, it is PAIN that you can never feel anywhere else. PAIN LIKE NO OTHER.

Pain that somehow feels like:
1) You wish you can DIE
2) Crying every minute of the day

3) Crying so much you are surprised your tear ducts can produce so much tears
4) Wishing you can sleep 24 hours so that you wouldn't have to think about your heartbreak
5) Everytime you think about it, you feel like stabbing yourself with a kitchen knife
6) It especially HURTS when you have to pretend that you are okay when you are clearly all broken up inside

And alot more la. So guys and girls, watch out. Love? It's some dangerous shit.

If you think I'm being immature and stupid about this, then I guess you've just never felt heartache like mine before.

Or like, you've never been hurt by someone you truly love before.

So, in short, you are not in experience to judge ME, so DON'T.

I've been through all this, and if you want to say that I'm weak, I'm NOT. Because I'm still ALIVE.

Although the first week of the heartbreak feels like HELL, feels like you NEVER want to live again, but now I'm all fine already.

I'm over that pain. (I hope)

I'll never let anyone hurt me again.


ps: wtf how come I end up writing about this? Aya whatever la


Audrey Juicy Tits said...

I thought your love was not reciprocated because he already had a girlfriend or something? D8 How many guys did you fall in love with over the past few months?

Jo-Yee said...

very complicated situation hahahaha